What Are the Causes of Political Conflict in Africa?
- May issues fuel political conflict in Africa.africa image by Luka76 from Fotolia.com
Many Sub-Saharan African states have been warring since the 1980s. Poverty is a cause of instability and civil conflict across the continent. Political corruption, no respect for rule of law or humans are also reasons for much of the strife. Artificial borders were drawn through territories by European colonists, throwing unfamiliar groups of Africans together and thus, inciting conflicts. - Since the Berlin Conference during the late 1800s, European nations have been carving up Africa and settling regions for themselves. European administrations were put in place with the help of Africans. Many Africans gained power by inventing lineages that were supposed to prove their right to rule. These actions incited tribalism and led to strife amongst the people.
- Nigerian oil supplies 95 percent of its foreign exchange earnings but problems such as fire, sabotage, poor management, lack of turn-around maintenance and corruption cause the refineries to operate at 40 percent of full capacity, if at all. International arms dealers and African politicians also profit from conflict in Africa. However, the main ingredient of success in Africa is good governance, according to U.S. President Barack Obama in a speech he delivered in Ghana in 2009. He said democracy, opportunity, health and the peaceful resolution of conflict should be on the forefront for Africa.
- Ethnic hatred is a political tool used to instigate conflict. Poverty due to failed political regimes is also a major cause of Africa's problems. Dependence on the unevenly distributed natural resources of Africa can be relived by instituting democratic reforms that effectively manage resources and people. Ethnic diversity is helpful in the inter-group bargaining processes when groups feel adequately represented by their national political institutions and when the people can fairly participate in African economy.