A Medical Study for You
You've read the notices...
on the bus, metro, in the papers or a waiting room..
Would you like to participate in a medical study? What is it? Why should you? And how do you find them? A medical study aims to eventually develop new treatment therapies for health issues.
Medical research and trials have been going on for centuries.
Before modern times, research and trials were "hit or miss.
" The scientist or physician might use family members, workers, slaves, or him or herself as test subjects.
One of the more famous cases recently is that of Barry Marshall who won the Nobel Prize in 2005.
He used himself as a test case for his research on H.
pulori the cause of most peptic ulcers.
In 1796, Edward Jenner coined the word vaccination.
He used his family and neighbors to test cowpos and small pox vaccinations.
Because of much abuse and our social awareness though, medical procedures are now formalized.
Trained specialists conduct clinical trials.
There are educational credentials important for researchers, and specialties such as "GCP" Good Critical Practices, "CRA" Clinical Research Associates", and "CDM" Clinical Data Managers.
Participants must give "informed consent.
" Why would you want to participate in a medical study? Like many people you are hoping for a benefit personally, or perhaps you have an altruistic motive to help future generations.
Depending on the trial you volunteer for you could: Obtain significant medical testing and results done at no cost to you or your insurer Be compensated for participation to mitigate the inconvenience, transportation costs, et al.
Obtain some first-hand education about a particular medical issue pertinent to you How do you find a medical study of interest to you? The National Institute of Health manages a website: www.
You can search by location, or by illness (common and rare) such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's.
You might also choose by interest: vision, hearing, aging, athlete and so forth.
The website gives you information about the requirements to participate, the locale, purpose of the study, and contact info.
If you live in a metropolitan area, with many medical researchers, teaching hospitals, biotech, and pharmaceutical companies you may find just the right study.
Legislation has made all of us better healthcare consumers: we now can obtain our medical records, sign to release medical information, and given the current regulation of clinical procedures, benefit significantly from medical research.
on the bus, metro, in the papers or a waiting room..
Would you like to participate in a medical study? What is it? Why should you? And how do you find them? A medical study aims to eventually develop new treatment therapies for health issues.
Medical research and trials have been going on for centuries.
Before modern times, research and trials were "hit or miss.
" The scientist or physician might use family members, workers, slaves, or him or herself as test subjects.
One of the more famous cases recently is that of Barry Marshall who won the Nobel Prize in 2005.
He used himself as a test case for his research on H.
pulori the cause of most peptic ulcers.
In 1796, Edward Jenner coined the word vaccination.
He used his family and neighbors to test cowpos and small pox vaccinations.
Because of much abuse and our social awareness though, medical procedures are now formalized.
Trained specialists conduct clinical trials.
There are educational credentials important for researchers, and specialties such as "GCP" Good Critical Practices, "CRA" Clinical Research Associates", and "CDM" Clinical Data Managers.
Participants must give "informed consent.
" Why would you want to participate in a medical study? Like many people you are hoping for a benefit personally, or perhaps you have an altruistic motive to help future generations.
Depending on the trial you volunteer for you could: Obtain significant medical testing and results done at no cost to you or your insurer Be compensated for participation to mitigate the inconvenience, transportation costs, et al.
Obtain some first-hand education about a particular medical issue pertinent to you How do you find a medical study of interest to you? The National Institute of Health manages a website: www.
You can search by location, or by illness (common and rare) such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's.
You might also choose by interest: vision, hearing, aging, athlete and so forth.
The website gives you information about the requirements to participate, the locale, purpose of the study, and contact info.
If you live in a metropolitan area, with many medical researchers, teaching hospitals, biotech, and pharmaceutical companies you may find just the right study.
Legislation has made all of us better healthcare consumers: we now can obtain our medical records, sign to release medical information, and given the current regulation of clinical procedures, benefit significantly from medical research.