The Secret to Manifesting Your Evolution
All humans on earth are currently in a state of evolution.
Whether each of you remains in a state of conscious or unconscious living remains to be seen.
All knowledge of your spiritual nature is available to you.
Some choose to ignore the information presented to them, while others take time to investigate the possibilities and choose to integrate what intuitively feels best for you in the moment.
It is one of the laws of this universe that nothing remains stagnant; all is ever evolving.
Humans are one species on earth with the capability to consciously choose the pace of their evolution.
For those of you who doubt the power of your thoughts, words and actions, take time to reflect on the current situations in your life.
How did you get here? What has hindered you from attaining more of your dreams? Look at your blessings, how many came out of "thin air" without you or others putting some thought or effort into them? Even a lottery ticket holds the promise of a blessing.
There is no thing on earth that has ever been created or experienced that was not first a thought, then an action.
Test this for yourself.
Think of something that you wish to experience or gain.
The secret to manifesting all you desire is to first make a clear intention of what it is you wish to experience or gain.
Muster all the belief that it is now in the process of coming to you.
Use your physical senses to visualize what it will be like when it arrives at your door.
If there are steps you need to take to make this a reality, take the first step.
Once completed, take the next step.
Watch for signs along the way.
Many times your Guides leave gifts at your feet that were missed in your haste to get to the destination.
Learn to live in the power of now, fully present; for it is in the present that you will receive the gifts (pun intended).
Set your intentions for the highest good for you and all involved and ask that they come to you as gracefully as possible.
Expect to experience coincidences that will lead you to your destination or possible solutions that you hadn't dared to even dream of.
When there is passion around something you deeply desire, your Guides will try to bring the highest dream to you, even if you are only asking for a smaller piece, for it is our hope that you will break through the fears that keep you from asking for the whole enchilada.
As you begin to understand the power within you, it is likely that you will begin to shed layers of behaviors and belief codes that currently rule your life, keeping you from experiencing all that you desire.
We encourage you to move forward, holding your head high and facing any fears you encounter along the way.
Push yourself, especially when you have those "feelings" of knowing that you are on the right path.
Many times you may encounter situations that feel uncomfortable because they are new or bring up a past time when you were presented with a similar situation that you handled poorly.
What often occurs is that you are presented with the same situation repeatedly until you work through it.
Although the exact scenario may not be the same, the basic premise is similar.
Repeated patterns such as this are usually a sign for you to pay attention to an unresolved issue.
For example, how many people do you know who repeatedly choose similar partners, even if they complain about the way the mate treats them? If her belief code relates to low self-esteem and not feeling worthy, she more than likely is playing the role of a victim.
Unknowingly, she continually attracts partners with "victimizer" belief codes.
Neither will break the pattern until one or both change their belief codes.
Some codes are easier to break than others.
Most are developed in early childhood and then are built upon as the child progresses through life experiences.
It is love of self and others that will break these codes.
Compassion is the first step; this is learning to treat all with respect no matter what they say or do.
Kindness is the next step: this involves learning to accept all people regardless of how they treat others.
Forgiveness is another step, allowing others to experience whatever they choose without judging them.
No one knows fully what fears or belief codes others are working with.
No one has control over what another person believes or chooses to do.
No one has the right or ability to take away the "free will" of another soul.
It is the act of trying to force or manipulate others into changing their beliefs and actions that is the crux of the problems within today's societies.
Rather than judging others, each person would be wise to spend their time and attention on creating their own reality.
The world would be a much better place in the "twinkling of an eye" if each person would take into account their own belief codes and change the ones that keep them from having inner peace and joy in each moment.
Where along the way did you lose compassion for others? What is the reason why you are not being kind to others in any situation presented to you? What "sins" have you placed on others that you feel they need to apologize before you can "forgive" them? What gives you the right to judge others when you are "imperfect" by your own standards? It is when you can see that there is no need to forgive anyone and that you can truly love all others unconditionally that you will know that your homework is done.
It is in this state of love that you will no longer have fear, anger, or resentment toward others or yourself.
It is in this state of unconditional love that you can begin to enjoy heaven on earth, no matter if hell breaks loose tomorrow.
You will have found that the only path to peace and joy is within you.
It has always been there, but has been a bit skewed by your "stinking thinking.
" Belief codes are simply ingrained habits.
Look back on your life at things you just "knew" were absolute truths when you were young.
Which ones have changed, and why? How many three year olds will tell you with vehemence that they were going to be a firefighter or nurse when they grow up? Now they are grown and either they became a firefighter or nurse because they held onto that belief code or they are not a firefighter or nurse because they changed their belief code.
Every single belief code you hold true today can change tomorrow by your simple will to do so.
Perhaps you will read a book or engage in a conversation that will create an "aha" moment within you.
Now you look at the whole thing with new eyes.
By taking time each day to reflect on your belief codes consciously, you may find yourself astonished at what you discover.
During the past few generations most of you have had information pounded into you without being allowed to decide for yourselves whether it is true or not.
It is time to wake up and look at every single belief code you now engage in and decide if it still rings true for you.
Take time to research your spiritual roots.
Test your beliefs by engaging in conversations with others who hold different beliefs than you and ask them why they believe what they do.
Open your mind to others' opinions, you might find a grain of truth in them.
Seek for answers and you will find them.
Try new things.
If you are in a job that does not bring you joy, seek another.
If you are in a relationship that brings you sorrow, seek another.
If you are unhappy with your current housing situation, move.
If your health is poor, eat better and change your negative thoughts instead of complaining to others, for that keeps you focused on the dis-ease.
Know that any reason you give for not moving forward in your life is simply an excuse to cover up a fear or belief code.
You are never in a corner, even though it may seem that way.
No matter what situation you find yourself in, you are likely to remain there until you accept responsibility for your actions that allowed it to happen.
You may have had horrible experiences in the past, but it is time to take responsibility for your actions today and to heal the past wounds and move forward.
Each one of you has the ability to forge through old habits and belief codes and live the life you desire.
However, it does take courage and it does take action.
Your reaction to what occurs around you is a measurement of your "spiritual" growth.
When you falter, don't waste time and energy "beating yourself up.
" Get up and try again.
Have faith that you can attain anything you set your attention on.
If your attention is on "poor me" then you will forever be poor.
If your attention is on your ailments, then you will forever be ill.
If you attention is on, "I can't do this because of lack of money, or lack of time, or lack of energy," then you will forever be lacking.
Take a good and honest look at where you are currently spending your money, time and energy and cut back on unnecessary expenditures.
You will then have those resources freed up to help you move toward your deepest desires.
No longer blame others for their trespasses against you.
It is impossible to turn back the sands of time.
Forgive them and yourself then move onward.
Anger and fear take a tremendous amount of energy; use that energy to move forward.
Excuses create blocks to receiving gifts.
For example, a person might need an item, but is too proud to admit he is having financial difficulties.
It could very well be that someone he knows has the item he needs and would love to give it to someone who could use it.
If the proud person never voices the need for the item, the connection can never be made.
Be open and honest with yourself and others.
There are times when it is appropriate to let others know what you need and desire.
How can someone let you know about a job they heard about that would be perfect for you if they don't know you are open to changing your job? People who continually complain but don't show any effort at making necessary changes are likely to attract the same kind of people.
They will gather together at parties and whine the night away.
How much more they could experience if they let others know their true desires and were open to new avenues.
They would be celebrating with wine instead of whining! We encourage each of you to dream your highest vision so that you can live it.
Many of you have created such a busy life for yourself that you don't have the time or energy to dream something new.
We suggest you release some of the time and energy-consuming activities that you are engaged in so that you can renew yourself each day and learn to take charge of your life.
Remember that you are always evolving, there is no "right" or "wrong," your world is simply full of possibilities to experience.
Begin today for that is where the presents (presence) are!
Whether each of you remains in a state of conscious or unconscious living remains to be seen.
All knowledge of your spiritual nature is available to you.
Some choose to ignore the information presented to them, while others take time to investigate the possibilities and choose to integrate what intuitively feels best for you in the moment.
It is one of the laws of this universe that nothing remains stagnant; all is ever evolving.
Humans are one species on earth with the capability to consciously choose the pace of their evolution.
For those of you who doubt the power of your thoughts, words and actions, take time to reflect on the current situations in your life.
How did you get here? What has hindered you from attaining more of your dreams? Look at your blessings, how many came out of "thin air" without you or others putting some thought or effort into them? Even a lottery ticket holds the promise of a blessing.
There is no thing on earth that has ever been created or experienced that was not first a thought, then an action.
Test this for yourself.
Think of something that you wish to experience or gain.
The secret to manifesting all you desire is to first make a clear intention of what it is you wish to experience or gain.
Muster all the belief that it is now in the process of coming to you.
Use your physical senses to visualize what it will be like when it arrives at your door.
If there are steps you need to take to make this a reality, take the first step.
Once completed, take the next step.
Watch for signs along the way.
Many times your Guides leave gifts at your feet that were missed in your haste to get to the destination.
Learn to live in the power of now, fully present; for it is in the present that you will receive the gifts (pun intended).
Set your intentions for the highest good for you and all involved and ask that they come to you as gracefully as possible.
Expect to experience coincidences that will lead you to your destination or possible solutions that you hadn't dared to even dream of.
When there is passion around something you deeply desire, your Guides will try to bring the highest dream to you, even if you are only asking for a smaller piece, for it is our hope that you will break through the fears that keep you from asking for the whole enchilada.
As you begin to understand the power within you, it is likely that you will begin to shed layers of behaviors and belief codes that currently rule your life, keeping you from experiencing all that you desire.
We encourage you to move forward, holding your head high and facing any fears you encounter along the way.
Push yourself, especially when you have those "feelings" of knowing that you are on the right path.
Many times you may encounter situations that feel uncomfortable because they are new or bring up a past time when you were presented with a similar situation that you handled poorly.
What often occurs is that you are presented with the same situation repeatedly until you work through it.
Although the exact scenario may not be the same, the basic premise is similar.
Repeated patterns such as this are usually a sign for you to pay attention to an unresolved issue.
For example, how many people do you know who repeatedly choose similar partners, even if they complain about the way the mate treats them? If her belief code relates to low self-esteem and not feeling worthy, she more than likely is playing the role of a victim.
Unknowingly, she continually attracts partners with "victimizer" belief codes.
Neither will break the pattern until one or both change their belief codes.
Some codes are easier to break than others.
Most are developed in early childhood and then are built upon as the child progresses through life experiences.
It is love of self and others that will break these codes.
Compassion is the first step; this is learning to treat all with respect no matter what they say or do.
Kindness is the next step: this involves learning to accept all people regardless of how they treat others.
Forgiveness is another step, allowing others to experience whatever they choose without judging them.
No one knows fully what fears or belief codes others are working with.
No one has control over what another person believes or chooses to do.
No one has the right or ability to take away the "free will" of another soul.
It is the act of trying to force or manipulate others into changing their beliefs and actions that is the crux of the problems within today's societies.
Rather than judging others, each person would be wise to spend their time and attention on creating their own reality.
The world would be a much better place in the "twinkling of an eye" if each person would take into account their own belief codes and change the ones that keep them from having inner peace and joy in each moment.
Where along the way did you lose compassion for others? What is the reason why you are not being kind to others in any situation presented to you? What "sins" have you placed on others that you feel they need to apologize before you can "forgive" them? What gives you the right to judge others when you are "imperfect" by your own standards? It is when you can see that there is no need to forgive anyone and that you can truly love all others unconditionally that you will know that your homework is done.
It is in this state of love that you will no longer have fear, anger, or resentment toward others or yourself.
It is in this state of unconditional love that you can begin to enjoy heaven on earth, no matter if hell breaks loose tomorrow.
You will have found that the only path to peace and joy is within you.
It has always been there, but has been a bit skewed by your "stinking thinking.
" Belief codes are simply ingrained habits.
Look back on your life at things you just "knew" were absolute truths when you were young.
Which ones have changed, and why? How many three year olds will tell you with vehemence that they were going to be a firefighter or nurse when they grow up? Now they are grown and either they became a firefighter or nurse because they held onto that belief code or they are not a firefighter or nurse because they changed their belief code.
Every single belief code you hold true today can change tomorrow by your simple will to do so.
Perhaps you will read a book or engage in a conversation that will create an "aha" moment within you.
Now you look at the whole thing with new eyes.
By taking time each day to reflect on your belief codes consciously, you may find yourself astonished at what you discover.
During the past few generations most of you have had information pounded into you without being allowed to decide for yourselves whether it is true or not.
It is time to wake up and look at every single belief code you now engage in and decide if it still rings true for you.
Take time to research your spiritual roots.
Test your beliefs by engaging in conversations with others who hold different beliefs than you and ask them why they believe what they do.
Open your mind to others' opinions, you might find a grain of truth in them.
Seek for answers and you will find them.
Try new things.
If you are in a job that does not bring you joy, seek another.
If you are in a relationship that brings you sorrow, seek another.
If you are unhappy with your current housing situation, move.
If your health is poor, eat better and change your negative thoughts instead of complaining to others, for that keeps you focused on the dis-ease.
Know that any reason you give for not moving forward in your life is simply an excuse to cover up a fear or belief code.
You are never in a corner, even though it may seem that way.
No matter what situation you find yourself in, you are likely to remain there until you accept responsibility for your actions that allowed it to happen.
You may have had horrible experiences in the past, but it is time to take responsibility for your actions today and to heal the past wounds and move forward.
Each one of you has the ability to forge through old habits and belief codes and live the life you desire.
However, it does take courage and it does take action.
Your reaction to what occurs around you is a measurement of your "spiritual" growth.
When you falter, don't waste time and energy "beating yourself up.
" Get up and try again.
Have faith that you can attain anything you set your attention on.
If your attention is on "poor me" then you will forever be poor.
If your attention is on your ailments, then you will forever be ill.
If you attention is on, "I can't do this because of lack of money, or lack of time, or lack of energy," then you will forever be lacking.
Take a good and honest look at where you are currently spending your money, time and energy and cut back on unnecessary expenditures.
You will then have those resources freed up to help you move toward your deepest desires.
No longer blame others for their trespasses against you.
It is impossible to turn back the sands of time.
Forgive them and yourself then move onward.
Anger and fear take a tremendous amount of energy; use that energy to move forward.
Excuses create blocks to receiving gifts.
For example, a person might need an item, but is too proud to admit he is having financial difficulties.
It could very well be that someone he knows has the item he needs and would love to give it to someone who could use it.
If the proud person never voices the need for the item, the connection can never be made.
Be open and honest with yourself and others.
There are times when it is appropriate to let others know what you need and desire.
How can someone let you know about a job they heard about that would be perfect for you if they don't know you are open to changing your job? People who continually complain but don't show any effort at making necessary changes are likely to attract the same kind of people.
They will gather together at parties and whine the night away.
How much more they could experience if they let others know their true desires and were open to new avenues.
They would be celebrating with wine instead of whining! We encourage each of you to dream your highest vision so that you can live it.
Many of you have created such a busy life for yourself that you don't have the time or energy to dream something new.
We suggest you release some of the time and energy-consuming activities that you are engaged in so that you can renew yourself each day and learn to take charge of your life.
Remember that you are always evolving, there is no "right" or "wrong," your world is simply full of possibilities to experience.
Begin today for that is where the presents (presence) are!