Need To Find Love
As you know, the most important thing is to get into resonance with the universe. And then the energy of Cosmos will help you get to happiness by itself.
In the first lunar day you have to "wish" for your love.
Indeed, on this day anything you wish certainly will come true! As we know, the first lunar day sometimes lasting only few minutes. Do not miss these moments, even if they come to the deep night. Whole your life could be dependend from it.
At this point, you should thoroughly and in detail "identify" what is happiness for you? Imagine a man/woman you would like to see next to you. Is he/she must be gentle, intelligent, courageous, beautiful? Maybe. Maybe the rich? It is not excluded. But remember: the most important thing is that he/she should be loved. After all, if there is no love, you will not be happy from his/her beauty, nor wealth, nor any other virtues, which eventually will begin to irritate you.
So in the first lunar day you have to "wish" for your lover with the confidence that if there is love, then the rest will follow. If you already have someone specific in your head - you can dream about it. However, in this case, consider carefully: if there is someone or something that may hinder your reunion, then the chances of the dream could be significantly reduced.
Mandatory condition is: in your dreams you should not simply "draw" the image of the beloved. It is imperative that you could see yourself next to him/her. You must dream with joy, pleasure and confidence that all will come true. But do not push these relationships too far in your imagination: do not give unlimited power to your imagination, in case it starts to draw a strong and passionate love scenes. Otherwise, these dreams will take away so much energy from you so you could be left with not enough power for implementation of your dream. That's why many of the romantic dreamers remain with nothing in real life. Fantasy takes all the forces from them and there is nothing remains for structuring their own life.
Dreams are necessary for us, but be very careful with them!
Need to find love!
The first lunar day is the best time for making wishes. If you do it this way, they will come true for sure!
After dreaming for a while, try to drop all dreams and forget about them. Switch to another things. By doing so, we let our dreams free so they could operate independently from us.
During the second lunar day, carefully look around on others because maybe somewhere nearby a person of your dreams is walking! Especially on this day you have the most strong feeling on where there is your dream person somwere around or not.
If you can't find it from the first time - do not worry! Very rarely it happens so quickly. It may take several months to fulfill the dream.
So be patient and believe in success!
It will come to you for sure! Good luck!
Click here to read about how Katy attracted her Love of life by love spells.