Top Pick Up Lines That Will Get a Girl Interested
You only need one top pick up line" Wow, you are really hot.
" Any girl will give you instant attention if she hears this line roll off your tongue.
That is if you say it with conviction and not come off as some arrogant pick up artist.
Of course you may have to also buy her a drink and make some amazing conversation after getting her attention, but you can handle that part.
By letting this girl know that you think she is hot right off the bat you have her attention and now you will have to do a little work.
She wants to know you and find out just how hot you think she is and exactly what it is you find so hot about her.
She will need to get this information from you like she needs to shop for new shoes.
You have opened the Pandora's box of top pick up lines and you didn't even have to say anything cheesy.
If you can continue to pour on the compliments, you will have this girl eating out of the palm of your hand that is if you do it with taste and more importantly do not over do it.
There is a fine line so you do not want to get to the point where you come off as if you are at a butcher shop buying a piece of meat.
All any girl wants is to be told how beautiful she is right? It doesn't have to be as complicated as ALL THAT.
But in conclusion it need to be sincere and not BS.