Making a Successful Android Application
Craze of iPhone is increasing like never before and people are dying to won one but one cannot deny the fact that it has gained a severe competition from its toughest rival Android. The green robot is equally loved by people across the globe. With new models and applications, its popularity iOS increasing and it is standing parallel to iPhone giving it a competition like never before. It has expanded to greater extend within a shorter amount of time.
Last few years have seen tremendous growth in Android application development and there are a large number of developers who have jumped in to this pool of application development. In order to make your application stand out from others, you need to be unique and innovative.
Some of the tips towards making successful applications are:
Reserve the app name: Google would identify your products amongst thousands other using a package name when you upload the application on your mobile device. It is therefore important to reserve an application name.
Development patterns: Android has suggested a particular development pattern to all its developers and its better not to break it. In a process of creating a unique application, don't deviate from the guidelines as put forward by the company.
Know your target audience: research suggests that if the application is against the requirement of its target audience, it has higher chances of failing in the market. User recommendation is required for making any application successful. Feedbacks and reviews would help the application climb the ladder of success and hence it is important that application should be made user friendly as well as keeping in mind the requirement of users.
Usage of themes: do not experiment much with using the themes for application. Keep a check on adjusting the screen size and making it mobile friendly.
Simple translations: the success of any application on Google play is measured by the number of its download. While releasing the app on the Google play use the localized text so that the app description is translated in regional languages. Also the translation must be in simple words to attract more users.
Android Apps Development offers wide scope for experimentation to the developers to develop some great and exciting apps and that is one of the reasons why it has become the platform accepted in the mobile market. There are Android application Development Companies who are well versed with the techniques of this platform and can help you make an outstanding application.
Last few years have seen tremendous growth in Android application development and there are a large number of developers who have jumped in to this pool of application development. In order to make your application stand out from others, you need to be unique and innovative.
Some of the tips towards making successful applications are:
Reserve the app name: Google would identify your products amongst thousands other using a package name when you upload the application on your mobile device. It is therefore important to reserve an application name.
Development patterns: Android has suggested a particular development pattern to all its developers and its better not to break it. In a process of creating a unique application, don't deviate from the guidelines as put forward by the company.
Know your target audience: research suggests that if the application is against the requirement of its target audience, it has higher chances of failing in the market. User recommendation is required for making any application successful. Feedbacks and reviews would help the application climb the ladder of success and hence it is important that application should be made user friendly as well as keeping in mind the requirement of users.
Usage of themes: do not experiment much with using the themes for application. Keep a check on adjusting the screen size and making it mobile friendly.
Simple translations: the success of any application on Google play is measured by the number of its download. While releasing the app on the Google play use the localized text so that the app description is translated in regional languages. Also the translation must be in simple words to attract more users.
Android Apps Development offers wide scope for experimentation to the developers to develop some great and exciting apps and that is one of the reasons why it has become the platform accepted in the mobile market. There are Android application Development Companies who are well versed with the techniques of this platform and can help you make an outstanding application.