How to Convert LL to UTM
- 1). Open the web browser of your choice and visit "" -- or click on the link found in the Resource Section to access Steffen Synnatschke geographic coordinate converter. Click on the corresponding hemisphere of the longitude coordinate you need converted, S for South or N for North, in hemisphere column. Type in the longitude coordinate in the appropriate column to the right of the hemisphere column. Click on the corresponding primary direction of the latitude coordinate, W for West or E for East, in the hemisphere column. Type in the latitude coordinate in the appropriate column, beneath the longitude coordinate. Click on the "Convert" button found at the bottom of the webpage to initiate the conversion.
- 2). Open a web browser and visit "" -- or click on the link in the Resource Section to access Hiwaay's free coordinate converting tool. Type in the longitude, using decimals to separate the three numbers in the coordinates, into the "Lon" field. Type in the latitude, using decimals as well, into the "Lat" field. Click the ">>" button to initiate the conversion process using this website.
- 3). Open a web browser and visit "" -- or click on the link the Resource Section to access Earth Point's coordinate converter. Type the longitude and latitude in their respective fields and click the "Calc" button to initiate the conversion to UTM using this website.