Understanding Severe Weather (From the Safety of Your Computer)
A number of severe storm types are associated with the most basic of nature's storms--thunderstorms. Learn more about these any-time-of-the-year storms.
Tornadoes are one of nature's most violent storms.
Precipitation is necessary to sustain life, but prolonged periods of rain, or rains that come too hard and fast can overwhelm the ground's ability to absorb water, creating a life-threatening situation.
Droughts & Extreme Heat
Heatwaves and drought often go hand-in-hand. And unlike other events, their effects (which can include heat illnesses, crop failure, and food shortages) are felt more widely and for longer periods of time (on a timescale of months to years). It's no wonder, then, that they're considered among the costliestsevere weather events to occur in the United States--both in terms of dollars and loss of life.
Hurricanes, Tropical Storms, & Typhoons
Learn about these monster storms that threaten U.S. soil every June to November.
Winter Weather
Ice, snow, and cold are beautiful, but also deadly. Raise your winter weather awareness with these articles.