How to Meet Mr Right
You hit the stores.
You try on a series of dresses, but none of them thrills you.
Some of them downplay your best features and play up your worst ones.
You try on a few others that you deem just okay, but you're not in love with any of them.
You go home discouraged, wondering whether you should keep looking or if you should go back to the store and settle for one of the dresses you tried.
Hey, you're running out of time.
And then a friend asks you, "Well, what exactly are you looking for?What kind of dress would make you happy?" I definitely don't want a sleeveless dress.
I don't like my arms," you say.
Your friend says, "So you want a dress with sleeves.
Short? Long? Three-quarter?" "Three quarter.
Okay," says the friend.
"What kind of neckline?" "I like my bust," you say.
"So a V-neck, but not too low.
" The friend continues to ask questions, and a picture begins to emerge.
You might even take out a pen and paper to sketch it.
"Okay," she says.
"Why don't you take the night off and sleep on it.
We can hit the stores again tomorrow.
" The next day, you go shopping.
Miraculously, you find the perfect dress that makes you feel great.
Even better, you look like a billion dollars in it.
Amazingly, it looks very much like the dress you described to your friend.
I've tried this method many times and had fabulous success with it.
I also used it after I'd dated a series of very unsuitable men and wanted to meet the right one.
If you haven't done it yet, please write a list of the qualities you'd want the man you marry to possess.
(Handsome is good, but honest is better.
) Here are the qualities I listed: Honest, loving, loyal, reliable, successful, fun.
Interestingly, I met a man with these qualities about six months later.
Then I married him (and I'm still married to him!) Oh, and he's handsome, too.
Think it can't work for you? Don't knock it 'til you try it.