How Often Should You Flip Your Mattress?
- You should be turning your mattress each time you are flipping it as well to provide you with complete satisfaction while it. Certain mattress types, such as the "Tempur-pedic" and others specifically designed for back support, do not need to be flipped.
- Benefits to flipping your mattress include: increased lifespan of product, more comfort and less back pain. A mattress that is flipped often could last from five to seven years longer than one that is rarely flipped.
- If you go without flipping your mattress, a permanent sag could eventually be created in it. By giving you more options in your sleep zone to lie on, the slight sag that forms (and cannot be seen with the eye) will have the chance to rebound and form back to normal again. If there a couple shares the same bed, the sag tends to form in the middle as that is usually where the bodies meet. The pressure causes the springs to loosen and not give the fullest support.
- While some people don't have the chance to flip their mattress every week, you should still consider flipping it once a month so you do not lose any support. Once a month is better than never flipping it at all.
- Flipping a mattress can sometimes be a struggle as it can be heavy and oversized. At least two people should always flip it together to avoid injury. If you already have an injured back, shoulder or any other body part that requires use of the muscles while flipping, you should let someone else do the work for you instead.