Kinds of Ladders
- Industrial stepladders are best for most indoor work.David Sacks/Lifesize/Getty Images
Stepladders are short ladders, typically for use around homes and offices or for small industrial jobs. They make an inverted V shape when they are open. The steps are on one or both sides of the stepladder. There are hinges at the tops of stepladders, so they fold and store easily. - Rope ladders provide exercise for children at playgrounds.Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
Rope ladders are hanging ladders made with rope. They may have two long ropes for the sides and wooden or metal rungs. The rungs may also be rope. People often use these ladders for physical training and for children's tree forts. - Truck ladders typically extend off the back of trucks.Hemera Technologies/ Images
Ladder trucks are trucks with extension ladders that come off the truck. Ladder trucks may have ladders without rungs. Instead, these ladders have buckets that workers stand in while the ladder extends using hydraulics. Firefighters use these ladders to rescue people caught in fires and to access burning buildings. Industrial workers also use ladder trucks to perform jobs such as repairing electrical lines. - Hook ladders have hooks on the top of both sides so users can secure them to a structure. They may also have one wide hook that attaches to the top of them. Firefighters use hook ladders, though much more in the past than they do now. Today, many portable fire safety ladders for domestic use are hook ladders.
Roof hook ladders are specifically for use on rooftops. They hook over the angle of the roof, giving roof workers a ladder to hold on to. They are lightweight because they lie on top of the roof, eliminating much of the need for structural strength. (Ref. 1) - Attic ladders allow people access to their attics without having to install staircases. These ladders fold up into passageways in ceilings. When people pull strings or handles attached to these ladders, the ladders unfold downward. Attic ladders typically have springs to make folding them back up less difficult.
- Extension ladders allow for more height than stepladders do.Karl Weatherly/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Extension ladders, also known as telescoping ladders, are ladders with two lengths that slide into each other, rather than folding. This makes transporting them easier because some of them can be around 30 feet long. When they slide back for storage or transport, their lengths reduce significantly.
Rope Ladders
Ladder Trucks
Hook Ladders
Attic Ladders
Extension Ladders