Career Opportunities In The Field Of Economics

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Careers & Employment : Business & Finance

Duties for a Psychologist

Only Louisiana and New Mexico allow psychologists to prescribe medication.medicine image by Pali A from Fotolia.comPsychologists study the human mind and analyze the connection between behaviors and mental processes. Although psychologists focus their attention on the individual, their...

Beat the Unemployment Trap - You Too Can Be Self-Employed

How do you become self-employed? It's not magic, it's an attitude. Self-employed people are not necessarily smarter or have better skills than you do but they have a desire for independence and self confidence they can survive on their own.

Army Values Online Training

The Seven Core Army Values are a set of personal principles that have been implemented by the United States Army. Although comprehensively taught in basic combat training, the Army values are also available online for study.

Top 9 Job Interview Questions - Home Run Answers

To a skilled interviewer every question asked an applicant has a purpose. Each question is designed to grade your skills and personality and compare your answers to all the other candidates. Most interview questions have no correct answer, but it is critical on how you approach the interview and you

How to Use Qualitative Research to Enhance Professional Development

Qualitative research is not limited to big corporations and their marketing efforts. You can use qualitative research to market the best product there is: you. Engage co-workers, human resources professionals, and job recruiters to participate in your research. Compose questions to gain responses th

Mark of a Leader - Team Leader Skills and Attibutes

What does it mean to a leader? Are you considering or being considered to be one? What are the skills or training that you should have in order to improve on your positive leadership abilities? ...

Hardship Duty Pay

Hardship Duty Pay - Location, or HDP-L is additional compensation paid to service members during assignment in land areas outside the continental United States where living conditions are substantially below the standard compared to the continental United States. This chart shows the monthly Hardshi

FY 2008 Military Overseas Per Diem Rates

Temporary Duty Per Diem is payable when a military member is performing temporary duty (TDY) at a location different from where they are stationed. Here are the FY 2008 Per Diem rates for GABON.

Force Field Analysis

In order for change to occur, the forces that promote change need to be greater than the forces that resist change. For effective change management and project management, these forces must be understood. Those that go against change must be dealt with so that the project or other improvement can be

Attendance Tracking - Don't let it be your nightmare

Tracking attendance can become a nightmare if an organization does not have an effective means to do so. Time management is a huge part of the human resources problem, and can quickly become a serious ...

How Performance Rights Royalties Are Tracked

Performance rights royalty collection agencies, like BMI and ASCAP, have a big job on their hands when it comes to tracking performance royalties for their clients. Just how do they keep track of every live performance of a song? The short is answer is - they don't. But they do have solid metho

What Are the Pitfalls TFP Models Should Look Out For?

TFP models are models that sign a contract or conclude a deal with a photographer to give their modelling time for prints instead of payment. Even though this sounds like a fishy practice it is accepted across both industries. The model and photographer both benefit greatly from this TFP transaction

5 Tips to Boost Your Confidence at Work

When we have confidence in ourselves at work, we tend to be more decisive, assertive, and take more initiative. The perceptions others have of us are more positive, and we can influence others more easily. This article provides five simple tips to boost your confidence in the workplace and your care

Tips on Effective Blogging

Blogging, like any other form of writing, is most effective when its content enriches, informs or inspires the reader to some form of action. Blogs come in a variety of types, from the serious and straightforward to the humorous and aimless. Whatever your writing style, following a few tips will hel