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Dental & Oral : Health & Medical

It is What You Do That Causes Bad Breath

If you have bad breath and you are wondering why other people do not have it, then you might want to check your habits. There are certain things which do contribute to bad breath; your everyday habits may contribute to your bad breath without you even knowing.

Use 7 Natural Remedies To Treat Bad Breath

Bad breath can easily ruin many intimate moments, as well as cause an embarrassing situation with work related interactions. In many cases, bad breath is the result of poor dental hygiene, dehydration, starvation diets including exotic spices in the diet.

Canker Sores

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of canker sores including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Baking Soda And Peroxide Tooth Whitening

If you want to whiten your teeth with a minimum of cost and hassle, then using a mixture of baking soda and peroxide is for you. It is a tried and true method that will, when used consistently over time, help keep your teeth whiter.

Why a Daily Rinse and Spit Is Actually Very Good for You

I love being a dentist and I love my patients. I am truly blessed because I am in a unique position to actually get to know my clients. Often, it may seem like a one way conversation when the patient is in the chair and I get to rattle on while working. But the truth is I have the greatest patients

Teeth Whitening Reviews In 2012 – Predicted Impact

The best teeth whitening kits in 2012 will be decided upon by teeth whitening reviews, mainly because of the rise of inferior products online as well as a possible compromise in quality to keep up wit

Avoid Future Dental Problems - Get Dental Implants Now!

If you are suffering from decayed tooth or missing teeth, you should consult your cosmetic dentist the soonest time possible. The reason for this is not only to maintain that smile or enhance the way you look but missing teeth can lead to serious dental problems later.

Filling In the Gaps

People find themselves at a loss at how to fill up the gaps caused by losing their teeth. With today's dental advancements, more and more people find that getting implants are the best alternative to getting dentures and bridges. Not only do the implants increase their confidence, it also makes

Thumb Sucking and Dental Care

All children start as babies sucking their thumbs and hands. It's very natural and is a great copy mechanism. Have you ever wondered at what age your child should stop sucking their thumb? Or maybe you know they need to stop but aren't sure how to help them along. Check this out for some g

Same Day Dental Implants

Go ahead. Make your day! It might be easier than you ever imagined. If you are missing several or all of your teeth, or are tired of poorly fitting, unsightly and painful removable partial or ...