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History : Society & Culture & Entertainment

About Contemporary Ceramic Art

One of the greatest challenges contemporary ceramic artists face is the notion that ceramics serve strictly a functional purpose rather than one of aesthetic beauty. Contemporary artists have embraced ceramics for its long tradition and have brought its techniques into the 21st century to be recogni

A Century of Change: A Military History Timeline of the 1800s

A military history timeline of the 19th century. This timeline chronicles the military history of the 1800s. Include in the timeline are the Napoleonic Wars, War of 1812, Mexican-American War, Crimean War, American Civil War, Spanish-American War, and dozens others.


Claudius was the bumbling Roman emperor portrayed in a PBS series by Derek Jacoby.

How Tall Was the Great Pyramid?

The tallest of a cluster of three pyramids at Giza, the Great Pyramid has lost some height over the millennia due to erosion. How tall was it originally?

Battle of Fredericksburg

Want the fast facts about the Battle of Fredericksburg? Learn about the battle, its outcome, and its significance.

About Colonial Maryland Artwork

The Province of Maryland existed from 1632 to 1776 when it joined the other three North American colonies in the War of Independence against Britain. Colonial Maryland was founded as a haven for English Catholics (during religious wars in England); though it was an early leader in religious toleranc

A War of Attrition: World War - 1916

During World War I, 1916 saw the massive battles of Verdun and the Somme erupt on the Western Front. At sea, the largest naval battle of World War I occurred at Jutland. In the east, the Russians gained ground during the Brusilov Offensive.

How to Compare Classical Greek Art to Classical Roman Art

It can be difficult to distinguish between Greek and Roman artwork. This is because the Romans adopted and copied many of the features of Greek artwork. The paintings, sculpture and architecture from each empire are similar. However, slight differences can be distinguished between the two. The Gree

Greek War of Independence: Battle of Navarino

Fought in 1827, the Battle of Navarino was a turning point in the Greek War of Independence. After several years of fighting, the Greeks finally received foreign assistance in the form of British, French, and Russian warships. Under the command of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, the allied fleet ente

American Community Collages

In the United States of America, the concept of community collage started in the early 20th century where junior or technical public colleges of higher learning were developed. Initially, the early co


Abacus is a part of a Greek column.

Grinding Out a Victory: Battle of Caen

The Battle of Caen was fought June 6 to July 20, 1944, during World War II. Beginning on D-Day, the Battle of Caen saw British forces battle the Germans for control of the city of Caen. After extensive, bitter fighting, Caen fell as the Allies broke out of Normandy.

Book of the Dead Chapter 2

The Book of the Dead, by E. A. Wallis Budge. Also known as the papyrus of Ani. The Preservation of the Mummified Body in the Tomb by Thoth.