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History : Society & Culture & Entertainment
What Is Abstract Expressionist Art?
If you could pull your innermost, deepest emotions out of yourself and display them for all the world to see, would you? That's exactly what Abstract Expressionist painters sought to accomplish. Heavily influenced by Cubism and Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism was not about the actual object being
The Bambatha Rebellion - Part 2
The Bambatha Rebellion was the last Black armed resistance to colonial domination in South Africa.
Donald Woods -- Death of an Activist
Brief biography of South African newspaper editor and anti-apartheid activist Donald Woods.
Ptole-Patra and More Ancient Celebrity Break-Ups
Here are three scandalous separations and splits of high-profile couples in antiquity.
The Sucess of the Great Bridge Made It a Popular Image in Advertisements
This advertisement indicates how businesses wanted to associate themselves with the Brooklyn Bridge, which was considered the greatest engineering achievement of its time.
American Revolution: Treaty of Paris (1783)
The Treaty of Paris (1783) was the treaty which ended the American Revolution. Signed on September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris saw Great Britain recognize the independence of the United States. The Treaty of Paris also worked to clarify borders and other issues resulting from the war.
Vietnam War: Gulf of Tonkin Incident
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident occurred on August 2 and 4, 1964, and saw US naval forces engage North Vietnamese patrol boats. While the attack on August 2 happened as reported, the second attack may not have taken place. As a result of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, President Lyndon Johnson was given as
Today in American History - December 17
Learn what happened today - December 17th - in American History.
Claudius Ptolemy - Map-Maker and Astronomer
Learn the basics on Ptolemy, the major astronomer and geographer from the ancient Library at Alexandria.
What Are the Classical Construction Tools of Geometry?
Plane geometry is an ancient field of mathematics that uses lines and arcs to define shapes, angles and lengths. There are only three tools required in the construction of classical geometry: the pencil, straightedge and compass. These tools are still used to produce designs today by masons and arch
About Pinup Models
Pinup models have represented many different cultural values over the past 100 years. Models have been a part of a wide range of endeavors, from beautiful classic photography to erotic fantasies, and they have also been a main influence on the way sexuality is expressed today. Pinup photography gave
Art Classes in Carrboro, NC
Learn all kinds of painting in one of Carrboro's art image by Natalya Garkusha from Fotolia.comCarrboro, North Carolina, is a small cultural hub in Orange County, just 30 minutes northwest of Raleigh, and Carrboro adjoins Chapel Hill, home of the University of North Carolina....
A Brief History of Lesotho
A brief introduction to the history of Lesotho from the time of early humans to the present day.
World War II - Fighting in Europe
How did World War II begin? Why did America get involved? What were the major events in Europe, the Pacific, and in America at home during World War II? Read this overview to find the answer to thesse questions and more.
What Did Kapos Do in the Nazi Concentration Camps?
Kapos were prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps that helped their captors brutally control the general prisoner population in exchange for privileges.
Seven Days Battles: Battle of Gaines' Mill
The Battle of Gaines' Mill was fought June 27, 1862, during the American Civil War. The third of the Seven Days Battles, the Battle of Gaines' Mill saw the Confederates launch a series of assaults on the Union lines. Though taking heavy losses, the Confederates ultimately won the Battle of