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History : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Defiant Defense: Battle of Red Bank

The Battle of Red Bank was fought October 22, 1777, during the American Revolution. Having captured Philadelphia, Gen. Sir William Howe dispatched Hessian forces to capture Fort Mercer on the Delaware River. Attacking at the Battle of Red Bank, the Hessians were repulsed with heavy losses.


Pronaos is the entrance hall to the temple (naos).

Mitsubishi G4M "Betty"

The first major war to feature widespread bombing, World War II produced a variety of bombers of all shapes and sizes. While some nations such as the United States and Great Britain built long-range, four-engine aircraft, others chose to focus on smaller, medium bombers. This gallery will provide an

Final Battles and Armistice

Heavy fighting continued throughout the first half of 1953, until the Armistice was suddenly signed on July 27th. While the U.S. signed the peace deal with North Korea and China, North and South Korea have never officially signed any peace pact. Technically, the Korean War is still going on today.

Martha and Mary

Article on Martha and Mary in the New Testament.

Sea Dog: Sir Francis Drake

One of England's greatest heroes, Sir Francis Drake ably served Queen Elizabeth I as a privateer and naval officer. In 1577-1580, Drake became only the second man to circumnavigate the globe, sacking Spanish towns and capturing ships along the way. Eight years after his return, Drake aided in l

Cleaning Bricks

A picture of men cleaning bricks for reuse, after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

World History

Socrates taught Plato, and Plato taught Aristotle. Together they created the foundations of Western philosophy. Use your visual memory and imagine them meditating in a health SPA. Or think of the phra