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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
Another Reason For Civil Marriage Equality - It's the Economy, Stupid
It always seems to come down to money, of course. The scene changes, however, when someone introduces the economic factor of the controversy into the equation. The economy reacts favorably to any expansion of human rights... Let's discuss societies need for all of us to be more responsible for
5 Strategies to End Your Turbulent Marriage
If you feel that your marriage needs a change, you may be tempted to point fingers at your significant other. However, real change begins with a good look at that person in the mirror. With ...
How Can I Keep My Husband Away From The Woman That He Cheated And Had An Affair With?
I recently heard from a wife who asked, in part: 'how do I know if he's going to see the other woman again after the affair? I made it a condition of my trying to save the marriage that he ha
The Challenges of Interfaith Marriages
When two individuals get married they are combining families along with all of the traditions, joys, sorrows and prejudices that are part of their family's heritages. Interfaith marriages definitely contribute to the complexity of combining families.
When Finding Christian Help For a Troubled Marriage
Many married folks allow their relationships to fall apart to a point where they already feel a strong sense of resentment towards each other, and there's little keeping them together. They are teetering on the edge of a break-up before they actually request Christian Help For Troubled Marriage
Love Techniques For Troubled Marriages
Do you have a different marital partner for each area of your dysfunctional marriage?While you may still stop short of having a physical affair, all those other emotional and spiritual partnerships are indicators that your marriage is in serious trouble.Even though you may think everything is fine,
Love Positive Personality - Developing True Romance
Attraction is the heart of love. How do you know when are really in love with a person? The key lies in relationship honesty and developing your self to meet the right partner.
Handling Your Custody Case: the Single Biggest Mistake:
The absolute best way to prevail in a custody dispute, especially if the dispute moves toward an evaluation, is to emphasize all of your good traits as a parent, even if still in the courtroom. At the
Entrepreneurs - Clear a Path For Your Spouse If You Want to Be on the Same Page
My husband and I work together on cutting wood for our heat source for the winter months. I enjoy helping him as much as he enjoys the help. I am an entrepreneur and he is a man who enjoys the comforts of a 9 to 5 job. Both of us take pleasure in being out doors in nature. It may be the only thing w
Save Your Marriage Today Through Gratitude and a Healthy Relationship
It's every day; it isn't a holiday a birthday or an anniversary. Complacency has possibly set in to what was once a loving thriving relationship. We acknowledge the special events and occasions with gifts, special dinners out and celebrations yet there is still something missing in the rel
When You're Struggling to Find Help With Marriage Problems
Over the course of your marriage with your loved one you may encounter significant difficulties that would cause you to seek Help With Marriage Problems. This is only natural and finding the right hel
Relationship Help: Making excuses is inexcusable
Anticipating a new client in my counseling practice today, I came in early. Preparing for her arrival, I was reflecting on what little I knew about her, yet understanding how great her need was to ...
How Do I Make My Wife Love Me Again?
Lately, you realize your relationship with your wife have drifter further apart. You prayed hard everyday to find your wife's lost love feelings. "Does my wife still love me?" You start to think of this almost every now and then. Finally, one day your wife took the courage and tell yo
Unique Anniversary Gifts For The Couples In Your Life
Wedding anniversaries are exciting times to buy unique gifts. People who have managed to stay together and fulfill their serious long-term commitments are to be congratulated. Look for unique gifts id
Why Russian Brides?
Would you like to find a woman unlike any woman you met before? Then read this and discover why you also will want to take the step towards finding your Russian bride.
People Who Saved Their Marriage Have This In Common
Do you know what it takes to save a marriage that's facing a potential divorce? Be honest with yourself, because to tell you the truth most never had a clue. But, when they finally did they realized that it takes a whole lot of different qualities and usually steadfast resolve to see it trough.
Nationwide Directory On Free Public Divorce Records
The Vital Records Office normally houses all sorts of vital public files of the states. However, Arizona Divorce Records [] is not one of those documents that this office provides. The said account is only ...
A Great Marriage Takes Work!
Don't let anyone fool you. A great marriage takes work. It takes prayer, patience, understanding, and compromise. I don't run away from challenges and neither should you. After all anything worth having is worth fighting for and I tell you right now that although it will take some work it
Nurturing His Affection - How to Make Your Boyfriend Love You More
Do you want to make your boyfriend love you more? If so, this is the most important page you'll ever read. You are about to discover the ultra rare secrets to make your boyfriend love you more.
Getting Support For Divorce
Most people suggest that a divorce support system is very important when it comes to helping divorces to actually move on with their lives. For most people, their family can serve as their divorce support system but for people who do not feel comfortable telling their family about their marital prob