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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships

Arranged Marriages

An arranged marriage is a form of marriage, which is arranged by the parents of the couple being married. These marriages can also be arranged based on recommendations of friends and family. This form of marriage is also convenient for those who have been unable to find a suitable match on their own

5 Unique and Creative Ways to Make a Marriage Proposal

Anyone who has tried proposing will know the struggle involved saying the three holy words of love, "I Love You". The answer that follows largely depends on the way you have said those three words. This is indeed a big deal especially if it is a marriage proposal.

My Love Match - What's Perfect for Me?

Do you want to find your true love match, but you don't know where to begin? Could your love match be out of reach and you think you may never be able to even get close to him? Might your idea of your love match be different that what would truly make you happy?

I Want to Bring the Passion Back After Baby

Prior to baby, married couples are usually filled with passion and excitement. Romantic moments are countless. You kiss, cuddle, and flirt every opportunity you can. Having baby can change things around. Your marriage is left with no passion and intimacy. For long term, this will affect your marriag

Newt Gingrich Blames America for Serial Adultery

What are Newt Gingrich's two flaws? Serial “possible” campaigns for president and serial adultery. And guess what, it is his passion for America that drives him to do both. Now that he is considering a presidential run in 2012 Gingrich is having to address his past infidelities and you won&apos

Calculate your love by :- Love Calculator

Love calculator is a scientific device which helps in testing the relationship. It is meter which measures that the two are destined lovers or not. It is done by comparing the compatibilities of the n

How to Keep Your Love Relationship Healthy

Sometimes it feels impossible to find someone who's right for you and who thinks you're right for him or her! So you want to maintain this feeling well. But it is hard to do because of different personalities, background and habits. If you want to keep your love everlasting, the following

How to Deal with A Broken Heart and Survive

Whether or not you ended the relationship, a broken heart it is never easy to deal with and there are three things you need to work on and this article will explain what they are ...

How to Stop Your Divorce and Save Your Marriage - Find Out Here!

Is your marriage breaking down and on the verge of divorce? If yes, do not lose hope. Do you know that every day, couples get back together regardless of the situation? Your situation is not hopeless. If you follow what I am going to share with you in this article, you can definitely save your marri

The Story Behind My Wedding Dress

ESTHER RANTZEN How times change. These days no bride blushes if she is pregnant, in fact she is likely to postpone the wedding so that her toddler daughter can become her bridesmaid. Back in 1977, ...

What Is The Purpose Of Prenuptial Agreement?

With regards to the custom of nuptials or marriage, couple would engage in marriage due to their shared feelings, they love one another, want to have children and family, with no conversation of properties, instead, ...

James Brown Had a History of Domestic Abuse

Most reports state James Brown as having had eight children, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Here's information about James Brown's children.