How Much Fertilizer Should Be Used for Large Trees?

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Gardening : Home & Garden

How to Care for Green Velvet Boxwood

Boxwoods (Buxus spp.) are dense evergreen shrubs that grow well in most parts of the country. Introduced in 1973 as a hybrid between Korean boxwood and common boxwood, Green Velvet boxwood became instantly popular because of its compact form, rounded growth, winter hardiness and resistance to winter

Composting - Create a Compost Project Destined For Success

New and experienced composters often fall by the way-side because they lack one thing - careful planning. We all want the best for our gardens and composting is the way to get the best fertilizer, mulch and potting mix without huge financial cost, but it does take some effort. Good planning helps to

Phosphorus and Root Growth

Plants rely on a near limitless list of soil nutrients to grow to full maturity. These nutrients need to not only be available in the soil, but they must be available in specific quantities, as a deficiency or abundance of one or more nutrients in soil can cause potentially serous plant health probl

Learn How to RengöRa Kristallkrona

It is easy to reng¶ra kristallkrona, if you are using a cleaning agent that is able to remove everything from dust to moisture and to pollutants from the prisms. Spray the cleaning agent liberally over ...

Crabgrass Control

Controlling crabgrass can take many forms from a pre-emergent herbicide, to spot spraying, to maintaining a lush, healthy lawn to discourage crabgrass pressure.

Lemon Verbena - A Breath of Sunshine

I became acquainted with this tasty treat the first time my sister took me for a walk through her herb garden. She pulled a leaf from one of her plants and broke it open, and immediately its wonderful scent wafted upward to my nostrils.

Karcher Pressure Washers Good Or Bad

A few weeks ago I was asked by a friend if I knew where she could get a good pressure washer for cleaning her greenhouse. I told her that recently it would seem Karcher are the word on the street when it comes to jet washes and pressure washers.But let’s investigate further. It would seem that

When to Harvest Garlic Chives

Clumps of thin, tubular, gray-green leaves rise from the fast-growing bulbs of garlic chives (Allium tuberosum). Also called Chinese chives or Oriental garlic, chopped leaves make tasty additions to salads or stir-fry meals. Cutting off the leaves in increments during the growing season encourages l

How to Harvest Taro Root

Taro roots provide a potatolike starch in Asian, Hawaiian and Pacific Islander cuisine. The roots grow in bog conditions similar to that of water irises, with the roots forming in the mud beneath the water and the foliage emerging above the water surface. The roots reach an edible size in a single s

The Amazing White Koi

Descriptions, history and breeding of white koi for the home koi collectors pond.

The Rose - Curing Society's Ills One Petal at a Time

The scene is almost cliche by now: husband forgets anniversary, wife loses it, husband buys dozen roses, wife forgives. The average repentant spouse doesn't realize the history behind their gift however. Roses have held a significant place as a symbol since the apex of Greek civilization, thous

Improve The Look Of Your Yard With This Useful Advice

A lot of people feel gardening is difficult to do, but it can be easy if you are aware of what to do. The right information could help anyone be a master gardener. You can greatly increase your garden

Cockscomb Planting Information

Cockscomb is one of three distinct species of the genus Celosia. The name comes from the striking resemblance of the large globular flowers to the crest on a rooster's head. Cockscomb can be grown as a perennial in tropical climates and as a tender annual in most parts of the United States.

Eco-Friendly Plant Containers

Eco-friendly plant containers are everywhere -- you just have to look at everyday items in a new light and repurpose them as plant pots. With just a little modification, old or unused household items from your house, even your closet, can become unique and personal items in which to grow flowers, he

Switching To Electric Lawn Mowers

Spring is just around the corner and that means it's time todrag out the lawn mower for another season of cutting grass every weekend. Ifyou are tired of the noise, smell, pollution, and cost