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Diabetes : Health & Medical

What is Diabetes? - Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is the third type of diabetes. It is found in non diabetic women during their pregnancy. It is a temporary phase that fades away after the completion of pregnancy. In some non-diabetic pregnant women the hormone insulin fails to produce the required amount of insulin for control

Metabolic Effects of a Low Glycemic Index Diet

One of the most crucial steps you can take to ensure the long-term success of your dieting efforts is to ensure that your metabolic rate remains high, even while operating in a caloric deficit. Some diets are better or worse at this task, so choosing the right type of diet is important for sustaina

Blood Sugar Levels Too High?

The question of keeping blood sugar levels in the near normal range has been a controversial one. There have been studies suggesting tight control of these levels protected the diabetic from many diabetic complications, while others hinted at the opposite. But it has now been demonstrated over and o

Fasting With Diabetes

Religious fasting days such as Yom Kippur should be approached with caution by a diabetic. If your condition is entirely controlled by dieting, or even by diet and oral medication, then you should not have any problems. Although, it may be a good idea to hold out on taking your pill until right befo

How to Eat Healthily With Heart Disease and Diabetes

Heart disease remains the number one killer in the USA with diabetes coming in at number seven, according to the most recent statistics gathered at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Heart disease accounted for 616,067 deaths in 2007, while diabetes was responsible for 71,382 deaths. U

Diabetes Natural Cures - How to Reverse Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes remains a serious and adverse health condition that needs to be treated effectively in order to reverse the negative impact that it can have on a person's quality of life. That is why insulin injections become a regular part of the life of such a person. Yet, there are those that claim

Free Diabetic Test Strips - Non Cost Diabetic Supplies

In standard kits used for diabetic testing supplies, the kit also provides diabetic test strips. Glucose testing is an indispensable part of routine diabetes care. Some brands of diabetic testing supplies, such as a glucose meter, the retail price of the strips used for testing blood sugar can run o

Type 2 Diabetes - Are You On The Lookout For These Signs and Symptoms?

Many times people have no idea they have Type 2 diabetes. They are just not aware they are experiencing signs and symptoms of this disease; they put it down to something else. The 90 per cent rise in the prevalence of diabetes in the last decade and the tripling of cases since the 1980s are all abou

Type 1 Vs Type 2 Diabetes: What's the Difference?

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to diabetes. One of the biggest sources of confusion is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This article attempts to shed some light on this and clear up some of the confusion.

Categories of Diabetes

Diabetes is a dreadfully severe & pervasive illness which concerns a good number of the structures in the body. It is at present the 5th principal reason of bereavement within the U.S. It is accountable for an overwhelming 220,000 demises yearly & progressively increasing.

Diabetes in Children: Special Camps-Topic Overview

Camps for children who have diabetes provide an opportunity for the child to meet and share experiences with other children who have the disease. These camps support the child in assuming responsibility for his or her disease and gaining independence in diabetes care. It's also a fun outdoor exp

Use of Supplements in Diabetes

Many scientific studies have evolved on the positive influence of supplements to eliminate diabetes. As such supplements must be consumed in addition to taking other preventive measures to treat diabetes. Vitamin A in the strength of 10,000 IU has been proven to increase the metabolism of glucose. T

How to Install an RPM in Mandriva

The Mandriva Linux operating system uses packaged files called RPM files to install software from the Mandriva repositories. This is a different type of packaging system than is used in some other types of Linux installations (some of which use packages with a .gz extension), and as such, RPMs are n

Diet for a Diabetic Patient

The focus of a diet for a patient with diabetes is to control blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy weight. Even moderate weight loss, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, can improve the insulin resistance of type 2 diabetes, especially when combined with physical activity. M