How to Swab the Nose for MRSA

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Ear & Nose,Throat : Health & Medical

Natural Techniques for Sluggish Thyroid

It is amazing that one small tiny endocrine gland, the thyroid, can be responsible for many systems in our body working well. For instance, the ability to grow, body temperature and even fertility are monitored by the thyroid. If you are having trouble fighting fatigue, the thyroid could be the culp

Does Amoxicilin Cure Sinus Infections?

Amoxicillin is commonly prescribed to treat sinus infections under the names Amoxil, Dispermox, or Trimox. Amixicillin is a type of penicillin that works by interfering with the production of the cell wall that surrounds the bacteria cells. As the cell walls become too thin, they burst and kill the

Treatments for Nose Bleeds

If you deal with frequent nose bleeds, you understand how frustrating the condition is. You rarely have any idea that a nose bleed is about to start, until suddenly your nose is dripping blood all over your clothes. While there is no absolute cure for nose bleeds, as they may occur even with the mos

Fungus Sinus Disease

The growth of fungus in the sinuses can lead to chronic sinusitis, a condition characterized by a runny nose, stuffy head, head and facial pain and sometimes a sore throat from persistent post-nasal drip. Unlike a cold, sinusitis lingers for weeks or even months, and can become a chronic condition.

When Should I Get My Tonsils Taken Out?

After One Year of Monitoring for Sore ThroatsThe American Academy of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) explains that 80 percent of tonsil surgeries are scheduled to treat the condition of obstructive sleep apnea and only 20 percent tonsil infections. Antibiotics work best...

Rebound Sinus Infections

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, cause the thin tissue lining the nasal passages and sinuses to swell, resulting in pain in the forehead, cheeks, upper molars, and between the eyes. Other symptoms include sensitivity to light, sore throat, and clogged nose. Sinus infections can be notorious for rebou

10 Things Thyroid Patients Should Never Do

If you have a thyroid condition, you'll want to do everything you can to take good care of yourself, and do whatever possible to stay healthy, and on top of your condition. We often hear about the things that we should do, but here are ten things a thyroid patient should never do.

Staph Nose Infection

Staphylococcus aureus, more commonly known as staph, is a bacteria that can cause severe infections on the skin and in the body. Many people are surprised to learn that these bacteria often live harmlessly on the skin, particularly around the nose, mouths and genitals.

Alan Cohen, M.D. on Thyroid Disease and Depression

An interview with Alan Cohen, M.D., discussing therelationship of depression to thyroid disease, and effective treatments for both, from Mary Shomon, Thyroid Guide, patient advocate and author of a number of books and guides on thyroid disease and autoimmune disease

How to Prevent Post-Nasal Drip

Bad breath, sniffing and coughing are common symptoms of post-nasal drip due to allergies, which is an accumulation of mucus that drains to the back of your throat from your sinuses. The key to preventing this uncomfortable symptom is by taking medication to prevent mucus buildup. Over-the-counter d

How to Get Relief From a Cough

Coughing helps to remove substances, such as mucous, from your lungs and throat, and prevent chest infections. Your body also responds to irritants by coughing. Yet, a persistent cough can cause irritation. Common causes of coughing include colds, the flu and asthma. Your cough may sound dry or ches

How to Relieve Mucus

Your nose becomes stuffy--congested with mucus--when the tissues that line it become swollen. Inflamed blood vessels cause the swelling. A virus or bacteria, the common cold, the flu or a sinus infection all can cause stuffiness. In these cases, the mucus usually goes away within a week. Hay fever o