Get Rid of Foot Cramps

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Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases : Health & Medical

How the Skeletal System Responds to Exercise

The Skeletal SystemThe skeletal system is the entirety of a person's bones and cartilage. The skeletal system is what provides the support for the rest of the body to be able to stand up right, and it offers protection for important organs such as the heart, lungs and your brain. The...

How to Adjust to Life With Fibromyalgia

It is a diagnosis that no one wants to hear: Fibromyalgia. But the fact is, according to the American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association, between 3 and 5 percent of people in the United States are living with fibromyalgia. While medical researchers have yet to pinpoint the exact cause of fibromyalgia

What Happens if a Comminuted Wrist Fracture Does Not Heal?

A comminuted wrist fracture is one in which the bone is broken into more than two pieces, or has shattered. This type of break complicates treatment. The fracture will heal eventually, but this can take more than a year and may require surgery and physical therapy.

How Orthotic Testing Helps Foot Conditions

Unbalanced distribution of weight can sometimes be the origin of foot pain. With orthotic testing, orthopaedic specialists can better diagnose and treat these conditions.

Seven Important Facts About Bunions

Many people in Houston, TX and around the world suffer from bunions. They are painful bumps on the side of the foot and make it difficult and painful to wear shoes. Bunions sometimes need to be corrected with a surgery called a bunionectomy, but orthotics can be used to prevent the need for bunion s

Is Cadaver Tissue Used In Surgery Safe?

The safety of cadaver donated tissues for use in surgical procedures is of great concern for many patients. Tissues used for ACL surgery, cartilage transplants, and other orthopedic procedures may come from donors. The safety of these grafts concerns many patients who undergo these types of surgery.

How to Diagnose Hip Bursitis

Hip bursitis is a painful condition in which the bursae that are located near the hip joint become inflamed and sometimes infected. The bursa are small sacs filled with fluid that provide a protective padding between bones and muscles, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Hip b

Orthopedic Rheumatology

Orthopedic rheumatology is the combination of two medical fields that concentrate on how the bones and the joints interconnect. People with diseases of the bones, connective tissue or joints can benefit from seeing a doctor.

7 Steps for Treatment of Tendonitis

Tendonitis treatment can usually be accomplished with some simple steps. Learn how you can manage the symptoms of tendon inflammation to resolve the pain.

Top Tips For Fabulous Feet

At this time of year it's more important than ever to look after your feet. Whether you're off on holiday or simply want to wear the latest sandal fashions, well cared-for feet will make a huge difference to your overall appearance.

Learn to Treat and Prevent Leg Cramps

Leg cramps are painful, unexpected muscle spasms that often occur in the lower extremity. Treatment of leg cramps can help to relieve these painful episodes.

Recovery Time From Sciatica

Sciatica is a very painful condition that includes pain and numbness in the lower back and legs. Recovery time varies depending on severity and the treatment choice chosen by the patient. Generally, 6 to 12 weeks is the time frame to recuperate despite the treatment option.