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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
Pain, Emotion, and Functional Limits in Fibromyalgia
Get a handle on the complex nature of pain in women presenting with fibromyalgia.
Prescription Nausea Medications for Migraines
Nausea is a common symptom that can accompany migraine headaches. For many people this can be one of the most debilitating parts of the episode. Besides treating the headache pain, it is sometimes necessary to treat the nausea at the same time. Below is a list of some common prescription medications
Chiropractors - One of the Best Solutions for Back Pain
Treating low back pain is tougher than one would like to believe. Most people have suffered from this at some point in time in their lives. Chiropractic is one of the most effective, natural and safe solutions for treating this disorder.
Relief From Back Pain - Is There Anything Else That Will Help Me?
Finding relief from back pain can be very frustrating that's for sure. There are lotions and potions and drugs and therapies everywhere, but how do you choose which product or therapy will work for you specifically?
Pregnant With Back Pain? Chiropractic May Be the Answer
Whenever a new female patient presents into my Chiropractic practice with low back pain, one of the first possibilities to consider is that they are pregnant. Back pain and pregnancy seem to go hand in hand. 98% of women who are pregnant experience some level of back pain during their pregnancy.
6 Ways to Prevent Back Pain
Back pain can really make you miserable. There are several things you can do to drastically reduce the risk of developing back problems.
Back Pain: When To See A Doctor
Because back pain is such a widespread phenomenon, many people don't know when to take it seriously. Back pain should always be taken seriously, but in some cases, it warrants an immediate trip to the emergency room. Learn how to determine the danger your pain is indicating.
Size of Kidney Stones Determine Treatments
Kidney stones can be extremely painful depending on the size and where it is located. The size of kidney stones is dependent on many factors. This article will talk about the size and what can be done about kidney stones.
Headaches - What Kind Do You Get?
When we have a headache, we don't really give it much thought as we know that a good night's sleep should do it, or that it will disappear as soon as the stressful period has passed. However, when the headache persists or we feel an entirely new type of headache with a pain that's mor
Stretches for Lower Back Pain - Do They Produce Results?
Do stretches for lower back pain produce results and relief? If targeting the right area and done properly, a stretching routine can be a back's best friend.
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
The Sacroiliac joint (SI) connects the base of the spine to the pelvis, this joint can become irritated and is easily inflamed, resulting in pain in the lower back and buttocks. Learn the causes, symptoms and treatments that work best...
Natural Migraine Help and Remedies
Migraines and headaches can be very exasperating. There are several factors that can cause the occurrence of migraine and headaches attacks.
Tap Your Way to Migraine Relief Through EFT
Emotional Freedom Techniques (a.k.a. EFT) can serve as effective method of achieving migraine relief. The EFT method consists of tapping along ten various points along the meridians outlined by acupuncturists. As a person taps, he recites specific statements related to his feelings.
Ronaldo's Knee Injury - How Will It Affect the Rest of His Body?
Brazilian superstar Ronaldo suffered the tearing of a tendon in his left knee during a very competitive game against Milan.Unfortunately, media sources are claiming that this may be the end of his career.To Ronaldo's credit, he has managed to rehabilitate his right knee with similar injuries in
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Neck pain related to C6, C7 nerve root irritation is common.The median nerve carries the C6 and C7 nerve root fibers to muscles in the front of the forearm including pronator teres and flexor carpi radialis.
Desktop Elevators for People With Back Pain
A lot of people complain of severe back troubles when they are working at the office. The problems are found in sitting at the same place for long hours and working on computers that can strain your back in various different ways. This is the main reason and people are often advised to learn what th
Joints Need to Be Fed For Pain Relief
Every time you run for a bus, go out dancing, pick up a baby, throw a ball, climb some stairs, play tennis, drive a golf ball, take a jump-shot, crouch on your knees while gardening, exercise at the gym, write a letter or just go for a walk, you're using your joints. So when you stop and consid
Back-Related Leg Pain: Spine Manipulation Helps
In people with back-related leg pain, spinal manipulative therapy plus home exercise and advice provided more short-term improvement in pain and ability to move than home exercise and advice alone, according to a recent study.
Medicines Used for Migraine Headaches
Migraine headaches are a common, chronic type of headache characterized by severe pain which can last for hours or days. Side effects of migraines include nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound and tingling in the arm or leg. There is no known cure for migraine headaches but there are
Acupuncture For Tennis Elbow - Tips
Suffering from tennis elbow for more than a year and still losing sleep from the pain? Read this article for information on how you can eradicate the pain once and for all. This tennis elbow treatment is non-invasive and carries an extremely low risk of side effects.