Symptoms of Fibromyalgia - Revealed!

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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

Is Migraine a Progressive Brain Disease?

A study and JAMA article, "Migraine as a Risk Factor for Subclinical Brain Lesions," examine the connection between Migraine disease, brain lesions, cerebral infarction (stroke), and the frequency of Migraine attacks.

An Overview of Knee Pain

Knee pain is one of the most common complaints heard by doctors. Learn all about knee pain, including what you can do for yours.

About Migraine Triggers

Many men, women and children suffer from migraine headaches. Women get more migranes headaches than men, according to statistics, due to the hormone estrogen. Children often aren't diagnosed due to symptoms different from adults'. Different triggers can cause a migraine and its many symptoms.

The Key to Preventing Chronic Ankle Sprains!

Article addresses joint misalingment and dysfunction following ankle sprains as a cause for chronic recurrent ankle sprains. The effect of simple rehab exercises and ankle adjustments on restoring normal proprioception are discussed.

Arnica Gel - Fast Pain Relief

Arnica gel is an excellent and very effective product for immediate relief from muscle pain and soreness. The herb Arnica Montana is the main ingredient. Arnica gel is also commonly referred to as Traumeel cream.

What to Do When All Our Remedies For Headaches Fail?

Of course, all of us have. And we all have our own remedies for headaches. Some lie down with eyes closed where no noise or any disturbance could reach them, some massage their head, the luckier ones get their heads massaged, and some people try aroma therapies; almost everyone has tried at least on

Whiplash Myths

Whiplash is a term commonly associated with rapid uncontrolled movement of the head and neck as they "whip" back and forth during a motor vehicle accident. Whether the accident is a rear end, front end or side to side type the bottom line is: the neck hurts! This article discusses some myt

The Most Common Methods Used in Determining Cancer Stages

When a cancer diagnosis is made, a physician will typically make an assessment as to what "stage" the cancer is in based upon how far the cancer has progressed or spread anatomically. There are a few different types of staging systems which are used depending upon the type of cancer.

Personal Injury - Great Results With Chiropractic

Let's face it; nobody wants to be involved in a car accident, because not only are you left to deal with physical injuries, but in many cases you're also left with psychological injuries. Because cars are manufactured from relatively strong materials, damage to a vehicle is often minimal,

Feverfew Leaves May Prevent Migraine Headaches

Feverfew is a perennial composite plant, Chrysanthemum parthenium, in the aster family. It is native to the Old World, but it's now naturalized in North America. Feverfew is a bushy little plant with button-like blooms that has been used to treat migraine headaches.

Best Magnet Therapy For Hand-Wrist-Pain

Will magnetic a bracelet be enough to solve hand-wrist pain? Is there something better? Try making a wrist band and or arm band that will put a strong enough magnet where it is needed. Will you also need a therapist's help to get the best results?

Migraine Headaches - The Main Migraine Headache Types

Each of the many types of headache possesses its own unique pain symptoms. Diagnosing migraine symptoms and other varieties of headache precisely is vital if you expect to find a treatment method that will stop them. As soon as you have determined that migraines are the variety you suffer with, you

Back Pain - Why Your Posture is Very Important

Your posture is very important when it comes to the health of your back. If your posture is wrong it can put unnecessary pressure on your spine and back. Today we spend a lot of time sitting down whether it is at work or at home.

Home Remedies For Sciatic Pain That Work Faster Then Any Medication!

Did you know that there are home remedies for sciatic nerve pain that can cure you even faster then your doctor? Here you'll discover few of them. They were used by thousands of people to relieve sciatic nerve pain and you can also find them in many books and websites related to sciatica.

The Symptoms of TMJ

The Temporomandibular Joint is the proper scientific name for the jaw joint which is located naturally on either side of your jaw, a few centimeters in front of your ears. This is the joint that enables you to carry out daily activities such as chewing and chatting. Arthritis of course, means the in

Finding The Right Doctor Is A Pain In Your Back

A back plain specialist outlines the various kinds of treatment that are available for back pain problems. Most of us incur the wrath of low back pain sometime in our lives.