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Parenting : Health & Medical
Baby Dresser Furniture ideas
When designing and planning the nursery, one of the most important things is to make sure there is enough packing space. With enough storage space everything will be able to be packed away in the ...
Buggies Gone Mad!
It's official; the world of buggies has gone mad! Now you can spend more on a pushchair and all its accessories than a second-hand car and leading the way are Bugaboo prams, with their luxury, all singing, all dancing models. A buggy is no longer simply a means to get your little one from A to
How to Make Plastic Lined Diaper Covers
Not everyone wants to use disposable diapers for their babies, for economic or ecological reasons. Disposable diapers do clog land fills and cost a fair amount of money to buy. In years past, people used to use gauze diapers, and put plastic lined diaper covers over the diapers to keep all but the b
How to Impress Teachers
Students aren't the only ones who can benefit from impressing teachers. It also doesn't hurt for a parent to impress teachers. While it's not going to save your child from that awful test score, a good relationship with your child's teacher can only help your child's classroom experience.
Ideas About Potty Training
Potty training is determined when the toddler is ready to potty train, not when one or both of the parents think its time. Take your time and let your toddler determine when the time is right to start training, it will be easier on both you, your spouse, and your toddler.
Book Review: Divorce and the Special Needs Child
A family lawyer who is also the divorced mother of a child with special needs provides guidance for parents going through their own marriage difficulties.
Is It Really a Hyperactivity Disorder Like ADHD or Could There Be Another Diagnosis?
Does every child who has issues of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity truly need to be medicated for a hyperactivity disorder such as ADD, ODD, ADHD, etc? Is it possible that there is another diagnosis?
Book Review: Think College!
College used to be an impossible dream for kids with intellectual disabilities, but as more postsecondary schools are adding programs appropriate for students of all different abilities, there may be education after high school for anyone who wants it.
Encouraging Your Child to Love and Understand Science
Do not worry that you have to be a scientific genius yourself to encourage your child in science. Children are naturally curious about everything around them, and science is a natural outlet for them. You and your child will both enjoy some of the following activities.
Benefits of Authoritative Parenting
Authoritative parenting is one of the parenting styles that requires consistency. Authoritative parenting promotes open communication with the children. They set clear standards so their children know what is expected of them and are consistent in implementing these standards.
What to Look For When Shopping For Baby Boy Jeans
I personally think that you half to look for the best buy with the money you have. There is no need to buy the most expensive. Children will grow way to fast to put in a lot of money. Of course we need jeans that will stand up to everyday wear. Especially crawlers.
How to Stop Your Toddler From Thumb Sucking
Thumb sucking, despite everything you hear, is a perfectly normal, natural and healthy activity for your newborn and infant to partake in. Normally children outgrow this habit by the age of three if they started doing it at all, with no physical or psychological side effects whatsoever.
Canadian Special-Education Acronyms
Special-education terminology varies by country. If you're pursuing special education in Canada, here are some of the acronyms you might hear thrown around.
Getting a Little One on Board
If we put them on the opposite side of the rear seat we can catch a glimpse of them and make some eye get hold of by way of the rear-watch mirror. If they are ...
Helping Kids Become Good Readers
Reading is such an important life skill that it is important to do everything that you can to help your children become the best readers they can be. To encourage your child’s reading habits, it is pertinent that you not only give them the skills to succeed at reading, but give them the tools
10 Creative and Unique Gifts for Dads
Ever wondered what to buy for dear old dad? Here you will find clever gifts that are truly out of the ordinary.
Adoption, Meeting the Challenges and Discovering the Joys
Are you considering adopting a child? Then you face a decision that is not only emotional but also irreversible. Undertaking an adoption means that your life-not just the life of the child-will never be the same again. Adoptive parents rightly expect many pleasures, but they must also be prepared fo
Christmas Procrastinators
My name is Carol and I am a Christmas procrastinator. That means that I put off shopping until the last minute. I used to get everything done by
Snazzy Ideas for Keeping Your Kindergartner Entertained at Home
The kindergarten years are ripe for learning. Use playtime to drive home those lessons learned in school.
Why Good Parenting Is the Key to Confidence Building
Research shows the most important factor in building self-esteem and healthy body image in teen and preteen girls is family support. Knowing she is loved unconditionally, not for what she looks like or what she does, but for who she is, helps her derive happiness from within rather than seeking outs