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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

Unassisted Natural Childbirth Or Medical Childbirth - Which is Better?

The debate between unassisted natural childbirth and medical childbirth continues to rage. The medical profession argues that giving birth in a hospital is safer in case a problem arises during the process, while those who support freebirthing declare that most problems occur due to medical interven

Acupuncture and Difficulty Conceiving - Is it Really Medicine?

Acupuncture is centuries old and you may be wondering why on earth an ancient, non-pharmaceutical and non-technologicalpractice would ever be used in modern times with difficulties conceiving. Find out the scale of global sub fertility, the history of Chinese acupuncture and its place in the global

What is PCOS and How does it Affect Female Fertility?

A description of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common condition among adult females that is often associated with infertility. Learn what PCOS is, how it develops, what symptoms its suffers disp

Male Infertility Symptoms

The most telltale sign of male infertility is the inability to create a pregnancy after six months to a year of unprotected sex. Although only about 30 percent of infertility problems rest solely on the male, according to testsymptomsathome.com. You don't necessarily have to physically try for a pre

Pregnancy Planner - A Quick Guide

Weeks 1 to 3 are the first weeks of pregnancy. Week 1 begins on the first day of your last menstrual period. You will have no pregnancy symptoms yet, its too early right now. By week 4 nearly all of the organs and structure of the fetus have formed, you will start to feel the first pregnancy symptom

Fibromyalgia and Pregnancy

If you have Fibromyalgia and you want to have a baby, you might be wondering what you will have to go through. There is very little known about the effects of this condition on pregnant women, and some of the research is quite contradictory. Some studies suggest that Fibromyalgia and pregnancy are t

How to Fertilize a Blue Duranta

The blue blooming Duranta erecta shrub is a tropical type of ornamental plant which is known by many names, such as lilac-flowered golden dewdrop, pigeon berry, sky flower and just duranta. These shrubs thrive in sun or shade, blooming best in sun, and produce lilac-blue colored blooms from spring t

How Can I Have a Baby Girl?

If you are asking the question, "how can I have a baby girl", then there are various ways to tip the odds in your favor. You may have heard that one way of influencing the outcome is through the foods that you eat and there certainly does seem to be a connection between the foods we consum

How to Increase Pixel Count in Photoshop

There are any number of reasons for increasing pixel count in Photoshop. Whether to enlarge an image for a new print, increase the working space available for delicate edits to a photograph or digital artwork, allow a greater sample size for Clone and Healing brushes or simply to let you better visu

Confirmed - My Baby Girl Has Down Syndrome!

Experiencing firsthand what it's like to give birth to a child with special needs! During my pregnancy with my only daughter, I had no idea she was going to be born with Down Syndrome and what was in store in the days ahead. I was about to be giving birth to a special needs child too early.

The Thing Women Can Do To Increase The Chance Of Getting Pregnant

For most women, getting pregnant is relatively easy. Many women feel helpless if they do not conceive quickly, and they begin to think there may be a serious fertility problem. There are many things women can do to improve their fertility levels and therefore, improve their chances of getting pregna

18 Week Ultrasound - Thumbs up!

Are you itching to be half way there or just happy to be 18 weeks pregnant? Try to enjoy the second trimester, the baby moving, the rounding of your pregnant belly.