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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

The Best Smooth Skin Remedies Feature Cynergy TK and Wakame Kelp Extract

Have you ever gotten the results that you had expected from the smooth skin remedies you have tried? The answer to this question is more than likely no, and this is because the quality of the ingredients found in most of these products is so low. These formulas mainly contain synthetic compounds tha

Stunning Tips for Removing the Deadly Pimples

Pimples and acne problem both are considered an enemy of good looks. There are varieties of treatment methods available but no one can predict that which method will suit you as results vary in every ...

Stretch Marks - Guidelines to Remove them Effectively

Stretch are fine pinkish-purplish scar-like lines that plague almost 50% to 90% of pregnant women at one point of their pregnancy. However, non-pregnant women, men, teenagers, body builders, weight lifters or anyone who experience sudden ...

How to hide the dark circles under eyes?

When you found dark circles under eyes, what is the first thing you want to do? Put on as much as cosmetics under the skin of your eyes and wish the dark circles under eyes can be hidden? But do you k

Psoriasis and Alkaline, Ionized Water

The digestive tract is central to health, particularly the intestines. If they are not in top form, lots of things happen in the body that lead to illness and disease. Besides the blood and the lymph, the digestive tract uses a large amount of water. You need approximately two quarts of water just t

How Do You Prevent Cold Sores?

When you have that tingling effect on your lip or a burning sensation then you know that the dreaded cold sore is on its way. This very common and highly contagious infection is caused by Herpes Simplex Virus type I (HSV-I).

Dry Skin Needs Tender Loving Care

Only a lucky few have 'normal' skin; the rest of us have a dry, oily or combination variety; if dryness is your problem, read on. The good news is that today, there are several types of natural treatments to choose from for your dry skin.

Acne Treatment Part 3 - Seeing a Dermatologist

Even though mild acne isn't a serious condition it is a good idea to see a dermatologist if your skin breaks out. You can receive valuable information about the cause of acne as well as ...

How to Make Natural Sunblock

Protecting your skin is important in the fight against sun damage and cancer. However, sunscreen contains chemicals that are absorbed into the skin which only provide partial protection from harmful UV rays. Sunblock is best for full protection because it presents a physical barrier that does not fu

The Best Skincare - Learn How to Choose the Right Skincare Product

I guess that you have already figured out that every company in the cosmetics industry claims that theirs are the best skincare products. You can see advertising for these formulas almost 24 hours a day on television, each different product being touted as a miraculous innovation in skin care.

Eczema Treatment Options

Eczema, resulting from epidermis inflammation, causes itchiness, redness, and other irritating skin conditions. Eczema treatment options include topical corticosteroids, home remedies such as oatmeal, and applying moisturizers.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (AD) or atopic eczema, is a common, chronic skin disorder with increasing global prevalence.

Super Fast Acne Home Remedies

Got an acne breakout that runs the risk of ruining your special first date? You're not alone with this scenario. Over 40 million Americans suffer some type of acne problem.

Do the Top 10 Eye Creams Have These Ingredients?

You would find many lists on the internet that claim to rate the top 10 eye creams available in the market. But how do you verify the authenticity of these lists? How do you know the creams being recommended are actually effective and provide the best value for money?

The Wonderful Benefits Of Night Face Cream

When it comes to selecting a good night face cream, it's in your best interest to select creams that are thick and creamy in their consistency. Night time creams are usually more intense and have ...

Warts on the Face Can Be Removed Easily at Home

Face warts can be painful physically and emotionally. If you have decided to treat your facial warts then you need to learn a little more about the cause. Then you will be better prepared to get rid of warts on the face.

Understanding Dry Skin Relief Lotion the Natural Way

When your skin has a parched look and even start to peel-off during your normal daily activities, you are having a Dry Skin Problem.There are varieties of dry skin relief lotion available at the pharmacy or skin care centre, but truly effective lotions are few and far between, natural or organic dry