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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

Why Stretch Marks Itch and Burn

Why do stretch marks happen when our skin is fairly elastic? This fact is made evident when people reach the puberty stage or when women are pregnant.But at these times, skin health is quite crucial a

Caring for your new born - Newborn baby skin care tips

Skin is the largest organ covering the entire body, from the top of the head to the tip of the toe. Comprising of three layers, the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous fat layer, it allows home

How to Find the Right Scar Creams for Treating Acne

Find the right scar creams for treating acne is not hard at all, that is if you know what you are looking for in a skin cream product. Acne can leave ugly marks on your face. These marks can be really nasty and ugly, and if you're among the numerous unlucky people who've been afflicted wit

Treat Warts With Materials at Home

Warts can effectively be treated at home without the use of any medicines bought for the purpose. The best thing about using these homemade medicines is that they are very economical. Here are some of the treatments for you to choose from.

The Benefits of Rosehip Seed Oil for Scars, Stretch Marks and Discoloration

Rosehip Seed Oil comes from the seeds of the rosehip fruit, a wild plant that grows in Chile. It is a "dry" oil, meaning that it absorbs into the skin easily, and does not leave a greasy residue. It is extremely high in essential fatty acids acids (over 77% of the rosehip seed is fatty aci

Childhood Eczema on the Rise

Childhood eczema is on the rise and doctors say there is no "cure." Right now the only treatment is geared toward making children more comfortable. Could a change in diet make the difference?

Vitamin C in Skin Care Products – A Handy Bunch!

Vitamin C is a popular skin acre ingredient and is used extensively in skin care products and skin treatments. This is because it offers a full range of benefits to the skin. In fact, it is often tout

The Benefits of a Proper Skin Care Regimen

In order for a person to have the best skin possible, they need to have the proper skin care. An esthetician should be able to direct their clients to the right skin care treatment and regime, suited especially for them.

Avoid Mistakes When Choosing The Best Skin Care Product

It's maddening because all lines of skin care products claim their's is best at preventing those awful break-outs plus the ability to cleanse. They'll also tell you they can give your skin ultra elasticity plus ...

Eczema In Babies - 11 Tips To Avoid Common Baby Eczema

Eczema in babies is quite distressing for the parents. To watch your baby suffer is not what parents want. It may be comforting to know that this skin condition will not last long. Usually eczema in babies gradually decreases and the skin condition will improve by the time the baby is two or three y

Skin Whitening And Pregnant Women

Mothers and mum-to-be; please take note. Do not simply and ignorantly, buy and use skin whitening creams or products without checking the label about its substances or ingredients. It is more serious than you think, when these skin care products can cause side effects and affect your pregnancy.

Tips to Eliminate Acne Scars and Blemishes Naturally

Acne scars, especially in the face often become a scourge to teens and adult. Even when acne is starting to clear it still leave scars, acne blemishes on the face. If that happens it will impact to se

Care for Your Skin

A professional skin care establishment is one of the important things in our daily routine life. Our skin is not a smooth surface, besides it contains innumerable number of invisible pores.

Laser Hair Removal Dearborn MI

The usage of xenon flash lamps that emit full spectrum light by epilators are what constitute what is commonly known as Laser Hair Removal. The method is sometimes referred to as photoepilation or phototrycholisis. Dermatologists ...