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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

Top 7 Tips For Dealing With Acne

While most males don't have to deal with acne issues when they get through their teenage years, many females have to battle acne most of their life. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ...

Top 5 Steps for Naturally Clear Skin

Acne can be a pain to eliminate, and if that wasn't stressful enough, many of the treatments that claim to stop it can actually end up making your skin even worse. That's not the way ...

How to clear psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin infection which could be cured easily with the help of natural techniques. Herbs are thee safest and most suitable treatment for psoriasis. Herbal treatments will not cause any side effects for ...

Beauty Cures for the Summer Gardener

From the moment the hydrangeas in her Amagansett garden burst into bloom each summer, Pret-a-Surf's Karen Mulligan can be found elbow deep in the lush greenery that surrounds her beach house. €It's my late-afternoon ritual. ...

Best Quality Baby Massage At Hippoppo Baby Spa

Massages are very important for everyone and especially the babies when their tender limbs are in the process of developing. Touch really matters for them and for this many people resort to medical support and ...

Personal Skin Care Right in Your Home

Some say that skin care is a complicated series of steps best left to experts. No need to worry. You can be your own beauty expert.

Ringworm Treatments

Ringworm Treatments are easily available and can be either self-care at home treatments or medical treatments. Ringworm is a fungal infection that is common in humans resulting from coming in contact with dermatophytes. The dermatophytes live on the dead outer layer of the skin and feed off skin and

Cellulite Myths

Learn the truth about cellulite. Four common misconceptions about cellulite that you should ignore.

Stop Facial Wrinkling - 3 Natural Ways to Improve Your Skin and Beauty

Facial wrinkling is a horrendous problem that will afflict us all at one point or another. There are many ways you can stop facial wrinkling. You can always go under the knife and undergo surgery, but I strongly advise against that, because there are no guarantees that you will look more beautiful a

Warts and HPV

When people have warts they are a consequence of a virus which typically appears on people's hands and feet. They also possibly will grow inside the mouth on genitals and the rectal area. Unfortunately if you have a wart they often start to appear on other areas of skin as they are catching. Bu

Healthy Skin Tips: How To Deal With Acne

Acne is one of the most embarrassing problems teenagers have to face. Unfortunately the claims of some acne products are wrong: there is not really one way to combat the condition. There are however some ...

My Best Skin Care Tip

At a Cafe the other day having coffee with a couple of friends they started talking about my glowing skin and then asked me what my best skin care tip would be? Without any hesitation, ...

3 Vital Things to Think About When Buying Botanical Skin Care

Botanical skin care can do wonders for your skin, there is an abundance of plants and botanicals that are beneficial and help improve the skin. But it is mistake to assume that all botanical skin care products are useful. Some of them can do more harm than good, so before you pick any product ask th

Aging of Skin and Collagen

Aging of skin is a natural phenomenon. However, that does not mean that individuals who experience it, enjoy it as well. The smooth texture of the skin, the supple and moisturized feel; all of these seem to decrease as we grow older.

How to Stop the Loss of Collagen in Your Skin Naturally

The loss of collagen in our skin is normal as we go through the aging process. This loss of collagen causes our skin to wrinkle, sag, and have fine lines. Many creams that promise to bring back the smoothness of your face use collagen as their main active ingredient. DO NOT BE FOOLED!