Stool Softener Side Effects

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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical

Stool Softener Side Effects

Stool softeners help relieve constipation and discomfort during bowel movements. They treat constipation, which can be caused by irritable bowel syndrome, prolonged hospitalization or bed rest, slowing of the intestines, or use of medications, such as narcotics that can cause constipation. There are

A Case of Paraesophageal Hernia

What is the best surgical procedure for a patient with paraesophageal hernia? This video case demonstrates the preferred surgical technique.

Healthy Pregnancy With Ulcerative Colitis: Eating Well

Eating a well-balanced diet is always important when you have ulcerative colitis. But when you're pregnant with UC, getting the right balance of nutrients is essential. Here’s how to eat well and stay healthy during pregnancy.

Meds for Stomach Pain

Stomach pain can be a bothersome condition, but there are quite a few self-treatment options that may help to relieve stomach pain. However, chronic stomach pain may be caused by a serious condition and may require the treatment of a physician.

Acid Reflux Heartburn GERD

Acid reflux, heartburn, and GERD are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. For instance, you could have acid reflux without heartburn. However, you wouldn't have heartburn without acid reflux. So, consider acid reflux to be the cause of heartburn, and heartburn to then be

Summer Foods: Don't Feel the Heartburn

Just because it's time for summer heat doesn't mean you have to experience heartburn from the foods of the season, such as barbeque dishes and citrus fruits.

Signs & Symptoms of Acid Reflux in Newborns

Look for the signs and symptoms of acid reflux.newborn image by Fabio Barni from Fotolia.comAcid reflux can cause any parent of a newborn to worry. During acid reflux, a portion of the contents of the newborn's stomach comes back up the esophagus, sometimes to the point the newborn will...

Ulcers & Acid Reflux in Children

Acid reflux and ulcers are typically thought to be diseases that occur in adults only. However, many children suffer from either acid reflux or ulcers and sometimes from both. Most children suffer from ulcers due to medications, though some cases are caused by helicobacter pylori bacteria. Acid refl

How to Diagnose the Difference Between Acid Reflux & an Ulcer

Diagnosing the difference between acid reflux and an ulcer by oneself is difficult due to the variety of types of ulcers and their dissimilar symptoms, some of which are identical to the symptoms of acid reflux. Certain behaviors may assist in relieving your discomfort or pain. Your efforts can hel

Acid Reflux Causes - Find Out Today

It is very alarming that there are quite few people nowadays who are still unaware and not cautious of themselves about the health threat that gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux can bring to a person's life. Find out today these acid reflux causes and make necessary precautio

What Is an Ulcer?

An ulcer is a hole in the gastrointestinal tract. They can occur in the small intestine (called a duodenal ulcer) or the stomach (called a gastric ulcer). Gastric ulcers are common among Americans and affects about 4 million people every year.