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Green Living : Home & Garden

The Basics Of Solar Power and How It Saves You Money

Solar power has been in use for a long time. You can now install a solar energy system on your house and greatly reduce your cost of electricity. You can even sell the excess that's created back to your utility company.

Printed Cotton Bags

Retailers have realized that selling printed cotton carrier bags is good for business and that the sale of printed cotton bags can be as much or more lucrative than selling unadorned cotton bags. Natural as well as organic cotton bags come in many colors and sizes ranging from a small coin purse to

Clean Electricity, Answer to the Growing Volume of Pollutants

Electricity is one very important commodity these days. An average household include appliances for daily chores making electricity an important part of modern way of living. One source for electricity these days comes from fossil fuels. And to keep the negative effects of fossil fuel at minimum, us

Green Business Practices That Save Money

There are a variety of changes a business can make to their practice to save some leaves that also save some dollars, from easy additions to the routine to total overhauls of the system.

Green Flooring Options For Your Home

With the increased awareness about global warming, people are choosing Environmentally Friendly Product options in every aspect. More and more homeowners are opting for green flooring option for their house.

Best Alternatives To Reduce Monthly Electric Expenses

With the changing of times it has become very important to look for new methods and sources for generating energy. The production of cheaper energy is a crucial requirement of our life since, the cost of energy is ever skyrocketing and because of this, it is a good time to adopt a power system that

Small Wind Turbine Installer

While large wind turbine farms remain in the domain of large corporations who can provide the capital costs of land leases, construction, equipment, and ongoing servicing, small wind turbines are now creeping out of rural installs and into urban / suburban areas. Rather than using towers, wind turbi

Ways of Making Your Home Ecologically Friendly: A Review of Green Eco Club

Many of us are searching for new ideas of a sensible green or ecological nature that benefit us and the planet. However, not all green products are necessarily a good idea or suitable for your home. This review will focus on the Green Eco Club and whether it is worthwhile purchasing.

How to Build Solar Cells

Many people don't know how to build a solar cell, but it is extremely easy to build a solar panel. With the help of items found in kitchen, you can build a solar panel. Once you have all the necessary materials for making it, score copper sheet which is as big as your burner is. Before you cut

Why Are Frogs and Toads Disappearing?

Frogs, toads and other amphibians are in decline worldwide, and many amphibians may disappear from areas where they were once plentiful. Why are populations of endangered frogs declining and amphibians disappearing?

Build Your Own Magnetic Energy Motor

An initial consideration when property owners happen to be considering making use of green energy sources could be to purchase a solar power system. Determined by an area of the US an individual dwells determines the extent of a solar panel system the house needs. Your typical structure could be ove

Peace Lily Plant

If you are just starting out as a gardener or are looking for an indoor plant that requires minimal maintenance, a peace lily plant is a great way to start. Peace lilies are ideal houseplants in many ways. They tolerate dry soil pretty well and can survive in low light environments, and they have lu

Growing Tomato Container Gardens

Homegrown tomatoes are incredibly delicious, but what do you do when you do not have room for a garden? How about growing tomatoes in a container garden? Tomatoes are one of the easiest plants to grow in containers and even if the only space you have is a 12 inch square on your front porch, you have