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Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney
Should Congress Bail Out the Big Three?
Not even First Class is good enough for the CEOs of the biggest three automakers, who flew in style in one of their company's luxurious jets hoping to make their case to Washington that the auto industry is running out of cash and needs $25 billion in taxpayer money to avoid bankruptcy. If the
Military Back Pack
Backpacks used by soldiers are known as load carrying systems.The different systems have developed from countless researches, after plenty changes have been made to them and after years of experience with load carrying systems.There are three major load carrying systems that are used in the United S
Enlightenment Experiments
Pierre Dupont de Nemours and the Physiocrats are not really interested in 'the government which governs best governs least'. They are playing both sides of the fence and they are in a position to get all that governemnt can give them through the spoils system or cronyism.
We Must Stop Stealing from the Carrot Chasers to Ensure Economic Tranquility
We've all seen the silly cartoon where a carrot at the end of a pole hangs in front of someone who's trying to get it. In business management we might call this an incentive, much the same way the corporate stock options are used to put golden handcuffs on executives. If you want the carro
How to Wear a Flag Patch
Flag patches are embroidered or printed representations of the United States flag that can be sewn or ironed onto clothing. The United States Flag Code states that you should not wear the flag as part of a costume or athletic uniform. Members of the military, police officers, firefighters or members
How to Get the Population Density of a Country
Population density measures the number of people in a specific unit of space. When used to describe the population density of a country, the measurement is usually expressed as a ratio of the number of people per square mile or square kilometers. Calculating the population density of a country requi
Look, When You Have Socialists in Power The Last Thing a Country Needs Is Cheap Money!
What causes bubbles in the economy, or any given industry? Have you ever stopped to think about that? Well, many economists have and generally they have concluded it is because of easy money, that is to say that; free flowing, cheap money that doesn't come with high interest.
Language Barriers
An article in yesterdays Los Angeles Times describes three instances in which immigrants, each from different countries were unable to communicate with medical staff at local hospitals because they did not know how to speak, write or understand English.Federal law requires that healthcare providers
The AQ Khan Story - Lessons For Missile Defense
What is the worldwide threat of nuclear secrets being sold to rogue nations?How can the U.S. combat these rogue nations and terrorist organizations and their threats to detonate a nuclear device?Discover a plan the U.S. has that can severely limit the threat from these types of nuclear devices.
Carbon Dioxide Trading in the United States - A Look Ahead
The spread of carbon trading worldwide, rise of state-based initiatives within the United States, growing support within the private sector for carbon dioxide emissions limits, and the April 2007 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently possesses th
Obama's "Making Home Affordable" Initiative
In a plan that promises to keep seven to nine million borrowers from losing their homes, the Obama administration announced its "Making Home Affordable" initiative.The Treasury Department released detailed guidelines about how it plans to help Americans refinance mortgages that would offer
Bhopal Tragedy, The Worst Ever Corporate Crime - A Few Hard Facts
The consequences and impacts of Bhopal tragedy - the biggest industrial catastrophe is known to all. In this article instead of going into the details of the tragedy we tried to focus on some harsh realities behind the tragedy which was never highlighted before.
Witness Libertarianism Present Efficiently And Painlessly
The readers of this article have no doubt to notice that one of the main topic is libertarian activism. This is more specifically, helping the people to understand the propaganda arguments they hear all around them in libertarian perspective.
What Factors Led to the Crash of 1929?
On what is now known as Black Thursday (Oct. 24, 1929), a selling panic began in the United States stock market. The ensuing stock market crash didn't end until 1939. During this time, stocks lost almost 90 percent of their value. The crash of 1929 was a integral precursor to what became the most ex
The Man To Beat In 2012
Is Barack Obama unbeatable in the 2012 presidential election? Many pundits believe so. Given the many groups of people that Obama has insulted in his first term and the current state of the country, can it be true that he will be difficult to defeat?
Can The Infantry Soldier Be Replaced
The infantry soldier is the staple of any fighting force. There is no way to take and hold ground without infantry soldiers.
Purification of American Political Parties: How Compromise Became a Dirty Word
The Tea Party has succeeded in purifying American political parties. However, the process began over 30 years ago when Ronald Reagan attracted conservative southern Democrats to the Republican Party. This essay identifies six subsequent phases that reduced diversity inside each party and made bi-par
About Medicaid Rules
Medicaid is a health care program sponsored through the United States Department of Health and Human Services that provides assistance for people who are unable to afford their medical bills. The program is funded both by the federal government and by state governments, but individual states are res
Spearmint Gum Ingredients
Some people chew gum to curb their appetites, some chew to freshen their breath, some chew to help them stop smoking, and some chew for the taste and enjoyment. Recent informal studies have indicated that chewing gum can help relieve stress and improve alertness and concentration. Spearmint gum has
Peasants' Jobs in the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages, typically defined as that period between the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th Century A.D. and the Renaissance in the 15th Century, was a period in which society was regimented and divided along lines of privilege. The peasants, those who were the least privileged, occupied a nu