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Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

How Do I Join the White Caucus As a Congressman?

Okay so, everyone happens to be a different nationality, and the great thing about the United States of America is that it doesn't matter which nationality you are, or what mixture of races make up the individual. This is a wonderful thing, because it proclaims that we are all equal under the l

Justice Department Losing the War on Street Gangs

The Justice Department is at it again; promoting themselves in the mass media attempting to convince us we are safe. This time they are grandstanding a few arrests of alleged gang members. MS-13 is recruiting over 300 people per week in cities across the United States. Recently the Justice Departmen

How to Describe the Nomination Process for the President and the Vice President

The nomination process for selecting presidential and vice presidential candidates changed drastically after the 1968 Democratic convention. Before this time, the state delegates at the national party convention would select candidates. The current system relies on caucus and primaries to select del

Eastern Time vs. Pacific

A time zone is a standardized geographical boundary for establishing common time measurements. Congress has given authority over the time zones to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). A time zone may be changed, based on the standard of the "convenience of commerce."

What Does it Mean to Be British?

Considering yourself to be British might mean that you were born or raised in the United Kingdom, or it might just mean that you know a lot about the culture and ideas. There are several ways that you or someone you know might be considered to be British. Being British by law is different from being

The Activist Supreme Court Justice

Mr. Scalia somehow concluded that the amendment's opening clause about the need for a ready militia was only one of the reasons that the Framers recognized as a preexisting right to bear arms. I guess the Founding Fathers neglected to include the other reasons, figuring that Mr. Antonin Scalia

Code of Ethics for Interrogators

Although there is not a code of ethics specifically created for interrogators, they fall under the umbrella of police officers, and, as such, must adhere to the law enforcement code of ethics. Law enforcement personnel nationwide use the same code of ethics. Although there is no nationally standardi

How to Plant a Tree to Save the Earth

According to the World Wildlife Fund, planting a tree may be a small gesture, but it is one of the "grandest" acts you can take on behalf of the planet. The World Wildlife Fund also offers a simple approach to planting a tree to help save the planet. Many other organizations and nonprofit groups--

Successful Women Outside the Boardroom

There are successful women everywhere, but we shouldn't measure success on business acumen alone. There are many successful women outside the boardroom.

Big Bully?

Bully politics drives discontent, ignores the needs of the people, using fear in place of responsibility. What does bullying have to do with politics? Far too much, sadly.

Ron Paul - Personal Beliefs vs Political Beliefs

An analysis of Ron Paul's personal beliefs and his personal believes showing some contradictions. There seems to be some confusion about what Ron Paul's intentions might be in running for President.

Obama and the Democrats Push to Influence Our Children

A synopsis depicting the importance of voting and how Barrack Obama and the democrat party are trying to attract young persons to pull the lever for Obama. This is called affirmative action. Vote because you believe he is best for our country and not because you find him to be hip, cool, or differen

"we Have Less And Less Say About The Shape Of Events Which Shape Our Future."

This article reviews how much freedom we have allowed our political class to drain from this country "to feed vast reservoirs in far off places." The article reviews how the political class strips us of our freedom by spending our taxpayer wealth on projects and in places that have no impa

Canada - Political Correctness and Deportation

Are protesters advocating that the immigration laws be amended to eliminate deportation as a remedy against prospective immigrants to Canada who violate Canadian laws? Will Canada begin to deport criminals?

Telemarketing and Job Losses

Telemarketing and DO NOT CALL lists sure made headlines, but I bet there is something you did not realize. The good news about such industries is they bring in good telecommunication infrastructures, lower costs for consumers telephone bills, and are pollution free.

Obama and His Tilt Towards India

President Barack Obama the President of the United States of America, has many firsts to his credit during his present tour of India. Firstly, he is the first US President in history to have visited India during his first term as President. Secondly he has made it amply clear that he recognizes the

Do Not Tell The Truth

Do you really want to get ahead in your life? Do you want to grow a business really large? Do you want to be powerful? Well then do what works. For instance the United States Government is big and powerful. They control every aspect of your life and your business if you own one.

Wither Power Of American Empire?

Now, America is the most powerful state of the world. Some intellectuals believe that this is an empire like Roma in the past. Some experts argue that this empire is declining. This issue is remarkable in many aspects like international organizations.