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Mental Health : Health & Medical

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Characteristics

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders affects as much as six percent of all children. There are three sub-types or forms: ADHD, ADD, and Combined Type. A child with ADHD can be extremely frustrating to both parents and teachers or daycare providers.

Negative Effects of Draining a Pool

Your above-ground or in-ground swimming pool needs to be well maintained in order for it to last for many summer seasons of enjoyment. Draining a pool can have a few negative effects on the structure itself. Pools should only be drained when absolutely necessary, because leaving it exposed to the ha

The Advantages of Choice Theory

Psychiatrist William Glasser developed choice theory to explain the human decision-making process. Choice theory explains that every decision people make is based on a combination of five genetically driven factors: survival, human connection, power, autonomy and fun. The relation of each of these f

What's Wrong With DSM-5?

Dr. Allen Frances on the proposed DSM-5 revision: the good, the bad, and his ideal approach to bettering the book.

How To Find Effective Harmonial Therapy in Delray Beach

Harmonial Therapy in Delray Beach 5 Alternative Options for Depression Treatment Depression can be a very difficult illness to treat without the use of medication. Clients are seeking more and more natural options that do ...

The possible causes of social anxiety

Social anxiety is an excessive psychological and/or emotional distress about social interactions. The person with the anxiety experiences an overwhelming level of worry and fear about social situations and being judged by others. The extreme ...

Abreva Alternative

Cold sores are caused by the oral herpes virus, HSV-1. The itchy, tingly, painful blisters that appear on the lips or surrounding areas usually last about seven to 10 days, according to the Mayo Clinic. There are several over-the-counter medications, home remedies and prescription drugs that can all

Finding Stress Free Relief

Okay fellow friends who are always on the go – this one is for you.  I’m guessing you are coming back from the constants of work, play, family and the extra stresses that are a ...

The Fetus Removal Pill - Is It for Me?

The fetus removal pill, otherwise called the restorative premature birth, is one alternative accessible to end pregnancy between 5 and 8 weeks. Tragically, numerous individuals have almost no data about the fetus removal pill- so ...

Treatment Planning and Commitment and Covenant Marriage

It has been said that the purpose of a legally-binding covenant marriage is to provide persons more security in the fact their spouse is committed to building a good marriage with them, through thick and thin. Politically, a covenant marriage is considered a response to rising divorce rates and no-f

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - How it Works

CBT is currently recognised by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (a government body responsible for deciding which treatment should be available on the NHS) as the most effective treatment for the a range of emotional problems including Depression and Anxiety. This article gives a brief

A Diagnosis with a Bad Rap

Borderline Personality Disorder is a diagnosis that is sometimes misused. Here's the official definition and information about what it means.

Drug-Free Treatments for ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the primary behavioral problem diagnosed in children and sometimes remains active into adulthood. It is most commonly treated with Ritalin and other mood-altering drugs, which are the focus of an increasing number of complaints from ADHD sufferers

Treatment Strategies for Eating Disorders

A look at various treatment strategies for eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating, from psychologist and Mental Health Resources Guide, Leonard Holmes, Ph.D.

Instant Natural Anxiety Relief

Most people experience anxiety at some point in their lives. However, when anxiety interferes with daily functions, an anxiety disorder may be the underlying issue, according to the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms of this condition may include difficulty sleeping, unexplained muscle aches, constant worrying a