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Mental Health : Health & Medical

Mental Health And The Idiotic Human Conscience

Many people believe that the unconscious mind exaggerates when and I tell them that they have a hidden suicidal tendency or a dangerous immoral tendency, after translating the meaning of their dreams. They cannot accept the truth because they ignore what exists into their wild conscience. A human be

RVUs- Whose Value Is It, Anyway?

Payments for medical illnesses by insurers vary dramatically between mental health and other conditions.The differences in reimbursement are most dramatic when one compares mental health care to procedural specialties.The difference in pay schedules cannot be accounted for by differences in stress,

5 Weird Psychological Disorders

People strive to understand each other. Yet, there are some things and attitudes of others that are beyond our understanding. Thankfully, there are certain individuals whose endeavour is to study the traits of other people. ...

The Human Absurdity and God's Guidance in Dreams

Only now the original sin could be comprehended and eliminated by real knowledge. Now we have scientific proof and many explanations. Now we are able to understand why we can completely trust God's guidance and why we must never disobey this guidance, like Adam and Eve. I could discover proof o

The Antidote to the Winter Blues

It takes determination and commitment to win the battle against the "winter blues," but it can be done. Taking certain proactive steps can counteract the doldrums and despondency that this season sometimes brings.

Should I Medicate My ADHD Child?

The decision to give your child ADHD medication is a difficult and personal one. By no means is it the only choice, but it's a decision that should be carefully considered before you accept or reject it as the right treatment method for your child.

Easy Visualization Exercises for Stress Reduction

Start by relaxing with your eyes closed.portrait of young woman with closed eyes under sunset light image by sasha from Fotolia.comVisualization, or guided imagery, is a time-honored technique for reducing stress. Being both easy to do and quite effective account for the technique's...

10 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health

When you eat just about any food today sugar of some form or other is one of the ingredients which make up the food you are eating. This is called preprocessed food. It is killing us. It is killing our children. We need to get back to the basics and try to cook and bake our food without addictives s

Teen Anxiety and Puberty Blues - A Parents Nightmare

Teen anxiety is often the signal that puberty has begun. Has your adorable little daughter or roguish young boy grown-up some and stopped listening to you? Are they becoming defiant? Have they started answering back? Are they refusing to what you tell them and begun displaying sudden outbursts of an

Stress Questions and Answers

Abdominal agony IBS or Stress?I been lactose intolerant for years now. Since I be 11 and 12. I always would get abdominal pains anytime I ate dairy. Now 7 years latter I am having pains again. The wei

When Things Have Hit Rock Bottom

I recently had the unpleasant experience of dealing with a close friend who was seriously contemplating suicide. We needed to get him help and we needed to get it right now. Well, what a learning experience this turned out to be.

Recovery in Psychosis: A Delphi Study

Just what does recovery from psychosis mean? This study aims to identify areas of consensus in relation to definitions of recovery from a patient perspective.

The Spiritual Side of Health - Exercise

Our health is comprised of several elements that should be balanced to equate to a healthy life. We all know physically what to do, we all know mentally where we should be, we all know emotionally what is healthy, but how many people are concerned with the spiritual side of their health?

Wrist Cutting in Women

Wrist cutting is a form of self-harm. It is non-suicidal in intent and it is estimated that the majority of self-harmers are women between the ages of 13 and 30.

Getting Healthy Is a Soul Lesson

Illness and disease are caused by more than just bad fortune calling for medicinal cures. Pain and illness are the body's way of telling us that we have some deep internal beliefs and emotions that we need to become aware of. In this way, experiencing pain, illness and disease are a part of our

The NEW Energy Medicine

Many of the people that will read this article may have never heard of the use of electricity and or frequencies as a way to treat and heal the human body. However, there are many devices available on the market today that claim to do just that.

How To Stop A Panic Attack - Tips and Methods

Many people that suffer from panic disorders ask themselves this question. They can be difficult to deal with on your own and can get even worse without any treatment at all.

What Is the Meaning of Terminally Ill?

If a person is terminally ill, she is in the advanced stages of a disease with no known cure. People with terminal illnesses are generally expected to live anywhere from less than six months to up to a year. The focus in care moves from curing the disease to making the terminally ill person more com

The Stress Signsyou Must Be Aware Of

Stress can be a serious issue if you don't recognize it, so it's important to recognize its symptoms. Too often we overlook the effects of the modern world and our own stress levels. In the ...