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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Depression, Difficulty Expressing Feelings Associated with Eating Disorders
While the cause of eating disorders is still unknown, new research suggests that depression and difficulty expressing one's feelings may be a risk factor for disordered eating in young women with a history of family problems or abuse. (J. of Counseling Psychology, Jan-2002)
Accepting Health Challenges Empowers You to Make Changes to Improve Health and Habits
Acceptance is a powerful tool for transformation. Learn how acceptance can help you overcome chronic health challenges. Acceptance doesn't mean giving up or compromising. It means living one's life in accordance with the realities that life is presenting.
Panic Attacks Get Fueled With Little Oxygen to Your Body - Check Your Breathing!
Most people breathe shallowly. They hold in their stomachs and fail to engage their diaphragms when breathing. We all want to look slim but pushing that belly out with our breaths is the only way to fill up the lungs and utilize their full capacity. Analyze and check your breathing.
Mind-Body Health: Thoughts and the Human Energy Field
Every thought you entertain has an effect on every part of your body. I should say, "has an effect on all your bodies." You are more than a physical body. You also have mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic ones. they enter penetrate each other. You cannot have something affect one an
What Is Socialized Anxiety Disorder?
Anywhere from three to 13 percent of the adult population experience socialized anxiety disorder, or social phobia, over the course of their lifetime. Even though the symptoms of social phobia can be unrelenting and pervasive, most individuals with the disorder benefit from psychotherapy and other a
Ten Keys to Happines
If you are looking for the keys to a happy life, there is good news and bad news. The bad news is: There is no key. The good news? It has been left unlocked for you.
How to Get a Depression Screening
Depression is a serious illness and many people suffer from this medical condition. Depression is when you are feeling down, hopeless and sad for 2 weeks or longer. There are different treatment options available for depression, but first you must confirm that you actually have this illness. So, it
Causes of Bipolar Disorder
Learn more from the experts at WebMD about the potential causes of bipolar disorder, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle.
Betrinac - Memory Enhancing Drugs
An imperfection in any body part can be dealt with ease. But if your mind does not function well then this is a matter of worry. Healthy functioning of mind is very important to sustain ...
What Linden Method Shares With BF Skinner
Some days are great days and some are days I wish I could crawl under a rock and never come out. This was my life, day in and day out. I felt very lucky if I was able to string a few good days together. I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. All I wanted was a way out. Having to wonder if it was
Schizophrenia Linked to Flu
Babies whose mothers are exposed to the flu virus during pregnancy may face a higher risk of developing schizophrenia in later life.
How Often Should EFT Be Used in Your Day-To-Day Life?
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a powerful, yet simple way of getting the benefits of internal energy exercises without hours of meditation. You simply speak your intent while tapping certain points on the body. So just how often should you use EFT tapping in your life?
ADHD Parenting: How to Establish an ADHD Routine
A routine is the cornerstone to good ADHD parenting. Routines give children structure in their lives. By giving them a certain list of things to do, they learn how to follow rules better. They learn the value of discipline, and gain the self-motivation to follow through with that discipline.
Causes of Bipolar Disorder - Tackle the Illness From the Root Cause
What causes bipolar disorder? This question is hard to answer given that doctors have not done that much research yet on this subject. We already discussed that they have reason to believe the illness is genetic since it is common among previous patients that have had one member of the family suffer
Metabolic Abnormalities With Antipsychotics: A Management Update
Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman highlights strategies for managing metabolic disturbances and weight gain associated with atypical antipsychotic therapy.
Antidepressant Treatment of Anxiety
Approximately 40 million American adults suffer from an anxiety disorder each year. Antidepressants are a potential treatment option in many of these cases.
ADD and ADHD - Understanding The Disorder
At some time or other, all children have behavior that parents think is out of control.Theinability to control anger, or to sit still, or to pay attention are all "normal" childhood behaviors, and often parents can trace them back to a cause such as excitement, lack of sleep, or hunger.
Understanding ADD and ADHD
In the past, children that ignored their elders and could not seem to sit still were considered to be rambunctious or out of control and were oftentimes punished for their behavior. Thanks to research and advances made in modern medicine, doctors have discovered that children that display this kind
How to Tell if a Person Has Adult ADHD
While ADHD is a fairly common diagnosis in children, in recent years more adults have been diagnosed with the disorder. The National Institute of Mental Health says that 4.1 percent of adults aged 18 to 44 have diagnosable symptoms of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder. Individuals with a