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Pets Birds : Pets & Animal

Umbrella Cockatoo Information

Umbrella cockatoos are extremely intelligent and affectionate parrots that bond readily with humans. Their sweet nature and appealing beauty make them one of the most popular species of pet cockatoos.

How to Make a Nylon Mesh Cage

A nylon mesh cage is preferred by many pet bird owners over the harshness of wire cages. To build a cage, construct a basic frame from wood, then secure the woven nylon mesh over the frame. Nylon mesh should only be used for soft-billed birds. Hooked-bill birds, like parrots, easily tear through a c

How to Catch Peacocks

No matter how quick or smart you think you are, you will grow tired and frustrated trying to catch a peacock or peahen without a plan. They key to moving peafowl quickly and easily is to corner the birds while luring them into a cage with food. Peafowl eat insects, plants and small creatures, accord

How to Find and Identify the State Bird of Iowa

The American goldfinch is the state bird of Iowa, designated such by the state legislature in 1933. At that time it was called the eastern goldfinch, but it has since been renamed. A beautiful bird, the American goldfinch is a year-round resident of Iowa. Here is how to find and identify the America

Swallow Identification Tips

Tips for how to identify swallows based on appearance, range, nest construction and more to help both novice and expert birders be confident identifying swallows.

Winter Bird Feeding

Observing the beautiful birds in winter from your terrace or roof is a real excitement. You can hear them twittering, singing dancing, etc. and all of this is music to your ears. There are various different species of birds which could be viewed from a bird feeding station. You could view them singi

A Bird Feeder Pole Allows You to Feed Birds Easily

Even if you are not a passionate birder, you love birds and want to provide food for them. Bird feeder poles make it easy for you to accomplish just that. These poles allow you to position feeders wherever it is convenient for you to place them.

Types of Talking Pet Birds

Many people get pets for the companionship they offer. Pets can be great at showing the affection they feel for their owners, but few can actually verbally tell them. Some species of birds can develop the ability to mimic human speech and can even be taught specific words. These birds are often high

Attract More Birds With Fountains

Learn about bird bath fountains and how to choose one to meet the needs of your backyard birds. Includes pros and cons of these more elaborate bird baths and tips to care for yours.

Teaching Your Parrot How to Talk

Parrots are famous throughout the World, not only because of their exotic, colorful and cheerful looks, but also for their unique ability to reproduce words with a precision that often knocks at the door between fun and scary. When you hear about a "talking parrot" dont get confused thinki

How to Train African Gray Parrots to Speak

One of the parrot's most amazing abilities is their ability to not only mimic humans, but have an understanding of what words mean. African Gray parrots are known to be one of the best talkers, with the ability to learn thousands of words and even put them together to convey different needs or emoti

How to Prevent Splay Leg

Splay leg, or spraddle leg, is a deformity that occurs in baby parrots, generally while they are still quite young. If left untreated, the deformity becomes permanent and can prevent normal perching and walking. Most cases of splay leg are caused by environmental factors such as inappropriate substr

How to Build a Chicken Coop

Raising chickens is a simple hobby that provides eggs and meat for you and fertilizer for your garden. Like all animals, chickens require suitable housing. You can build a coop for your chickens even if you aren't a skilled carpenter. You don't need complicated plans or expensive building materials.

5 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Bird

It can be fun to share a snack with your pet bird, but it's important to remember that not all "human" foods are safe for our feathered friends. Check out this article to learn about a few tasty treats that you should never share with your bird under any circumstances.

Woodcraft Ideas for Venturer Scouts

Woodworking is a results-oriented project, perfect for teens.John Burke/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesVenturer Scouts are in a dynamic age group--14 to 17--and are usually eager to tackle projects. It is important to choose woodworking projects to both interest the Venturers and fit within...