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Pets Birds : Pets & Animal

How to Raise Geese - Raising Geese the Proper Way

A major part of handling geese deals with getting the geese to be reared up properly. This is important because geese are not able to take care of themselves during the first few weeks of their lives. The process of how to raise geese is important to use in that it works to get the geese to be broug

Nutrition Plus Premium Diet for Finches

A nutritionally balanced, premium diet for finches should include a wide variety of ingredients enriched with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Without all of these essentials in their diet, finches are much less productive for breeding and far more susceptible to disease. While the core of a finc


Defines the term "insectivorous" in terms of a bird's diet, with examples of insectivorous bird species.

How to Clean Bird Seed

Feeding birds is gratifying, but the more of them you feed the more it costs. Growing your own birdseed is an economical way to keep feeding the birds without draining your wallet. After you harvest the birdseed you'll want to clean the detritus and loose hulls from the seeds. If you have a vacuum

How Do Birds Lay Eggs?;;; the NestThe nest of a ShorebirdBefore a female bird can start...

What Are the Kinds of Pigeon Traps?

While pigeons are often part of life in big cities, they can be destructive to your property. They ruin grass, carry diseases and could even nest in your house. It is important to understand the ways to trap pigeons to remove them safely.

Who Are the Enemies of Scarlet Macaws?

The scarlet macaw is a brilliant, red, blue and yellow parrot which is found throughout Central and South America. As of 2011, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service does not have the scarlet macaw listed as an endangered species, but its status is under review. The Convention on International Trade of

How to Breed Barraband Parrots

Barraband parrots, also know as superb parrots, are domesticated parrots that are originally from southeast Australia. These parrots are two shades of vibrant green with males having a bright yellow head and a red band around their throats, and females having a blue-green face. Both male and female

How to Stop Pigeons From Roosting

Pigeons are every city's unwanted accessory. Pigeon droppings create problems for health and safety reasons. The birds are also carriers of extremely serious diseases. Protect your home from becoming an unwanted roosting place for pigeons by setting up barriers to keep them at bay.

How to Know If Your Cockatiel Is Sick

The Cockatiel is a social and intelligent bird. The Cockatiel's lifespan is usually about 15 to 20 years. Maintaining your Cockatiel's health can help the bird to live a long and healthy life. Cockatiels can get sick, just like humans, so it is important to be aware of some of the symptoms your bird

Pulmonology Psittacosis Or Parrot Fever

Most of the time when are pets become sick it is something that worries us because we love our pets deeply and wish the best for them. But occasionally there are diseases that can affect pets and can also be transferred to humans at which time you have to not only worry about the life of your pet, b

How to Build a Conure Bird Cage

Conures are a species of pet birds whose origin is Central and South America. There are several varieties of conures with different colors. What they have in common is their intelligence and tendency to move around, which makes it important that they be housed in a strong cage to prevent them from d

How to Breed Baby King Quails

King quails are frequently a beginning bird hobbyist's first choice for breeding. They easily breed, incubate eggs, and raise their young with little interference from bird keepers. King quails, or Coturnix as they are frequently referred to as, can breed year round, but they are more successful spr

How to Fix a Box for Chickens to Lay Eggs In

When you raise chickens for eggs, you must provide a safe and quiet spot for the chickens to lay eggs. Called a nesting box, this is the cozy spot chickens use for egg-laying. Fix a box for chickens to lay eggs in; use a basic design that will suit the chickens' needs and enable you to monitor the c

Birds That Amuse and Entertain

Recently my 89 year old mother came to live with us permanently. She has clouded vision, mild dementia and isn't about to do the things that always kept her busy, cooking, gardening, reading, crossword puzzles, etc.