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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal


If you're looking for a dog, you should consider rescuing one from the local pound.There are many older, gentle, obedient, people loving animals that deserve another chance. Older dogs are much easier to care for and are far less demanding. They can be counted on to remain pretty much exactly w

Home Pharmacy

Pekingese is a dog breed that originated from Beijing in China which was previously called Peking. This breed was considered holy for it was thought that these dogs could dissipate evil spirits.

Dogs Can Get Carsick

You may have not known it before, but your dog can get carsick too. Every dog has feelings and their very own personalities just like we do. Some of us hate planes, and some of us hate the subway. Just the same, some dogs hate moving vehicles, period.

How to Keep From Losing Your Dog!

Nothing is more devastating than losing a beloved pet. Even when you think you know what your dog will or won't do, it may run away and become lost from you. Take steps to prevent the heartbreak that an unexpected disappearance can bring.

Homemade Dog Food Recipes Free

Homemade dog food recipes that are easy to prepare. The best way to know what goes into the food you are feeding you dog is to make it yourself.

Puppy Vaccinations and Your New Purebred Puppy

Your purebred puppies health should be of utmost concern to you. You want a healthy puppy that is free of parasites and on good food. Nutrition is very important- especially in the first year of life.

A Dog is For Life Not Just For Christmas

Unfortunately, it is still frighteningly common for people to buy puppies for Christmas only to attempt to re-home the creature come January. Sadly, after Christmas is over, the novelty has worn off, as the dog is making a mess all over the carpet and behaving in an unruly manner.

Homemade Dog Shampoo for Dry Skin

Choosing a shampoo for your dog, without insecticides and harsh chemicals, is difficult, especially if your canine friend has dry skin. Unfortunately, many of these shampoos actually exacerbate dry skin, rather than alleviate the itch. Instead, consider making your own shampoo. Shampoo for dogs is s

Dog Pens Indoor - Keep Your Pet Safe And Out Of Trouble

If you are someone who has a dog and likes to keep it indoors but would rather keep it in one place, then there are a number of structures made to be used as dog pens indoor styles. These come in a variety of sizes and shapes and are suitable for the many different breeds of this particular pet. The

What Dogs Don't Have That Much Dander?

Even though dogs are found in half of our homes, close to 10 percent of the population is allergic to dogs. People with dog allergies often are told that short-haired breeds are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction. However, hair is not the culprit. Skin cells, called dander, are the primary

Tips On How To Pick A Healthy Puppy

Are you considering getting a puppy? If you are, then you will want to pick a healthy one. With that said, here is some advice on how to pick a healthy puppy.

How Do I Rid My Dog of Lice?

Lice are rare on dogs, but immediate and constant inspection must take place if an infestation occurs. Whenever you notice your dog is excessively scratching, look all around the fur and scalp for fleas, tick or lice. Lice usually will remain directly on the tip of the hair follicles of your dog's s

Has Your Dog Stopped Eating? 7 Things You Can Do Now!

It can be a scary sight if your dog stopped eating. You may worry that something is wrong and you don't know what to do.Well, chin up, because this article will put your mind at ease.You are about to learn 7 things you can do right now to get your dog back to his old self!

Training a Dog With a Clicker

Training a dog with a clicker is called an 'operant conditioning method' of training using a clicker or small mechanical noisemaker, to tell your dog when he is doing what you want. The method uses positive reinforcement - which means that it is reward based.

How to Trim Rooster Spurs

Occasionally, certain breeds of roosters may need their spurs trimmed. Sharp spurs can injure the hens, other roosters and even the rooster himself if the spurs begin to curl. Trimming is an easy task, made more pleasant if the rooster has been habituated to being handled. Use caution with a fearfu

K9s and Kids - How to Keep Them Both Safe and Happy!

My child is constantly chasing the dog around the house.So far, my dog has been great.However, I am concerned one day my dog may over react.What can I do to prevent an unpleasant incident?

Mixed Breeds & Wonder Mutts

Browse through these great photographs of Mixed Breed Dogs & Wonder Mutts, and send in your own!