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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Why Does a Neutered Male Cat Still Spray?
Neutered male cats may continue to spray and urine mark indoors and outdoors. While many cats stop spraying after they are neutered, those that continue to spray are likely reacting to environmental stress or a health problem. This behavior can be resolved with a comprehensive approach that addresse
Cat Hobbies and Pastimes Picture Gallery: 150 Year Old Cat Oil Painting
In "Ways to Enjoy Cats Without Having One, I suggested several hobbies, crafts, and volunteer activities that anyone who loves cats can do, whether or not they live with a cat.Several cat-lovers responded to my request for photos depicting their own cat-related hobbies and pastimes. The result
Bi-Color Cats Picture Gallery: Greko
Just as the May cat calendar was for black and white Tuxedo cats, June is symbolized by all other bi-colors, with the accent on the white. (Think of a June bride in white, standing out among her bridesmaids dressed in colors.) The bi-colored cats include "piebald," which generally limits t
How to Remove Dried Spray Foam Insulation From Cat Hair
You've probably heard the saying, "Curiosity killed the cat." If your cat somehow got spray foam insulation on it's fur, curiosity got the best of it. Spray foam insulation is fairly simple to remove before it dries. After it dries, you have few options for removing it, especially from a cat's hair.
Why Do Cats Play Fight?
Not all cat fights are serious signs of aggression. Although they may look harmful or dangerous to the untrained human eye, many cat fights are play fights. Cats play fight for a number of reasons, but all reasons relate to a cat's nature and instincts.
Information Regarding the Korat Cat
Korat is a very pretty cat breed. It is one of the oldest domestic cats in existence.
Feline Renal Disease Treatment
Feline renal disease is the standard medical description for progressive kidney disease in cats. Renal disease is common among older cats, especially those that are overweight. The disease has no cure, but a variety of treatments can slow the progression and prolong your cat's life and health. Acute
2008 Tuxedo Cats Picture Gallery: Mori and Tassimazulu
Black and white cats are like snowflakes: you'll never see any two with identical markings, but Tuxedos usually have some form of a white "V" on the chest-- very formal and striking. Our May Cats Picture Calendar is dedicated to Tuxedo cats and other black-and-white cats. Enjoy these
Is Your Cat Stressed?
Although cats don't have to deal with rush hour traffic, exams, paying bills or missing deadlines, which causes stress in we humans, they also get stressed with their own problems in life.A new member in family can make a cat stressed. That member can be another cat, a new dog or simply a new p
3 Easy Steps to Successful Cat Flea Treatment
Many people are very worried about flea infestations. This can put them off the idea of sharing their home with pets. However with the right cat flea treatment steps in place you don't have to worry about infestations.
2008 Tabby Cats Picture Gallery: Butterscotch
March marks the first month of Spring, when the earth is rich with promises of things to be. Tabby cats are almost as old as Mother earth herself, and are the epitome of Catness in all its wonder and glory. This month we salute our Tabby Cat friends as the cats for March's Cat Picture Calendar
How to Have a Well-Behaved Cat
Some people think that cats react in a certain way and there's nothing you can do about it. They also think that cats can't be trained but neither of these are entirely true. Here we look at what you can do to have a well behaved cat.
English Ivy & Cats
English ivy, a common houseplant, is poisonous to cats. Rush the cat to your local veterinarian if he eats the leaves or berries. Take a sample of the plant with you for identification.
Signs & Symptoms of Cat Food Poisoning
It is important to be able to quickly assess if your cat has contracted cat food poisoning. Knowing the signs and symptoms can be the difference between life and death for your cat. It is not always easy to tell if your cat has been poisoned. The early symptoms are almost flu-like in nature.
How Long Do Cats Live?
It really depends on many factors. No one can say for sure how long your cat will live, but there are certain clues that can give you some insight into how long your furry friend may live on this earth. When you get a new cat, you really have no idea how long they may live. There are stories of cats
Super Cat Urine Prevention Tips
Find out the best ways to get your cat back using their litter box.
How to Wean Kittens From Their Mother & at What Age
Weaning refers to the process by which a kitten goes from mother's milk to solid food. The process generally begins when a kitten is around four weeks old and should be complete by eight to ten weeks. Weaning can begin earlier in the case of orphaned or hand-fed kittens. Pet owners should make the t
Everything You Need to Know About the Armarkat Cat Tree
If you're living with a feline friend, then you definitely need the Armarkat cat tree for your home. For cat owners and lovers the world over, there is usually one pet peeve that really gets on their nerves: when cats scratch up things around the house with their long, sharp claws.
Pet Beds For Cats Mean No More Cat Hair in Your Bed
Pet beds make a great addition to your cat's life and can save wear and tear on your furniture. If you're tired of cat hair all over your bed, get your kitty a comfy pet bed and train her to use it.