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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
How to Treat a Cat With Zithromax
If your cat gets sick, your veterinarian may prescribe Zithromax for it. Zithromax is used to treat infections of the skin, respiratory tract and urinary tract. Zithromax can even be used to get rid of an ear infection in a cat. It is important that you use the Zithromax as described so that your ca
Symptoms and Medication for Cat Respiratory Illness
Cats that are sneezing constantly may have a respiratory illness.the cat image by Andrzej Dziedzic from Fotolia.comCat owners who notice that their cat has a nasal discharge, sneezes constantly, has mouth or nose sores, exhibits lethargic behavior or seems to have lost its appetite should...
Our Favorite Funny (and Adorable) Cat Pictures
The very best photo ops for cat lovers is when we capture on film or disc a cat in a comical pose or napping in a strange place, such as a cooking pot or the bathroom sink. Enjoy this assembly of funny cat picture galleries, including Container Cats, TV Cats, Office Cats, and more.
Prerequisites For Your Pet
When you are about to bring a new pet home, everyone in your house is excited and eager to welcome it. There are things which each member might suggest or want to get done before your pet comes home.
Finding a Cat Sitter and Making a Cat Sitter Agreement
Use a sitter your cat knows. Do not subject your cat to strange situations. Cat sitting arrangements really are contracts. Use a "Cat Sitting Agreement" form to guide you through the important issues to cover in a cat sitting arrangement.
How to Treat Chronic Rhinitis in a Cat
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal cavity. Based on a physical examination and tests, a veterinarian may have diagnosed your cat with this condition. The veterinarian may have prescribed antibiotics, and the inflammation cleared up for a while, but now it is back. What should you do? It may be
Cat Urinary Infection - Feline Urinary Tract Health and Maintenance
Cat urinary tract infections are common, painful, and most importantly, avoidable. You can help your cat avoid the unpleasant (and even deadly) consequences of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) by practicing some basic rules of prevention and maintenance. Simple, natural remedies for your c
How to Get Rid of Hairballs
Want to know what causes hairballs and how to prevent them? Hairballs can be painful and even dangerous for your cat. Here are a few tips on how to prevent your cat from developing hairballs.
Are You Consulting Your Cat On Its Toys?
You can lavish your cats with all kinds of toys that you like but don't then be disappointed or disgruntled that many of those toys end up being ignored. Your cat is not being ungrateful. That's not its inner tiger response to your gifts. Your cat simply has preferences based on species in
Cat Dehydration Is Serious And Deadly
What is dehydration and why is it so serious? Dehydration in any animal is serious but with cats it is even more concern because cats are not big drinkers. Cats in the wild depend on majority of their fluid intake from prey and just are not instinctively big drinkers. Domestic cats also are not big
Understanding Cat Behavior
Cats are known to be one of the best pets a person can have. Since we allow our pets to do pretty much what they want when they are with us, it is always advisable that we make ourselves familiar with their behavior. Cat behavior can be easily understood when we pay attention to it. When we talk of
The Best Way to Remove Cat Urine From Furniture Fabric
There are more than 80 million cats loved and adored by Americans. They live in our houses, sleep in our beds, greet us at the door after a long day--and they sometimes forget their litter box manners and urinate in inappropriate places, such as your couch, favorite chair and carpet. This leaves the
Cat Sinus Infections
The sinuses of any mammal, even cats and humans, are bony cavities at the front of the skull, which communicate with the nasal passages. Sinus infections in cats are frequently caused by bacterial, virus, or fungi infections. Often cats develop a respiratory complex that incorporates different strai
Tips on Selecting a Healthy Cat Or Kitten
Before bringing home a cat, there are certain things you need to look out for in selecting a healthy cat or kitten. Whether you decide on a purebred or a mixed breed cat, and whether you buy from a pet shop, adopt from a shelter, these tips will give you an upper hand when selecting a cat.
How Do I Keep My Cat Off the Kitchen Counter?
Have you caught your cat on the kitchen counter recently, or has your cat left evidence to prove that they've been there while you are gone? If you are sick of catching your cat up on the kitchen counter all the time there are several things you can do about it.
Cat House Plans - Save Your Sofa And Build Your Own Cat Tree
Is your sofa shredded? Are you embarrassed when company comes by? Diy Cat House Plans will change all that. You'll build your own cat tree, save your furniture and a bundle of money!
Toilet Training Cats: The Possibilities
Most cat owners take up most of their time cleaning litter boxes everyday. Since cats love to scratch or dig in litter, the tendency is to fling the litter out of the box and onto the floor. In addition, cats can have litter stuck in their paws, which can mess up the entire house.
Akirah's Story - Marking Territory With Cat Urine
Cats can develop problem behaviours, such as spraying, due to changes in their environment. This is especially true if cats appear outside and they feel threatened. Read Akirah's story here, and why it is so important to keep our own reactions to spraying in check to deal with the problem const
What Everyone Should Know About Feline Chronic Renal Failure
Chronic Renal Failure or CRF is one of the most common age related illnesses in cats today. What should you do if your cat is diagnosed with this illness?
How to Groom Curly Haired Cats
Several cat breeds have a curly coat, which comes in both long- and short-haired lengths. The Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Selkirk Rex, LaPerm and American Wirehair all have a genetic mutation that causes the hair on their coats to curl, giving these cats a sheep- or teddy bear-like appearance. To groom