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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
How to Control Your Cat Fleas
Fleas are a fact that every pet owner has to deal with, they jump onto your pets and burrow into its fur, they feed on the animal and often lay eggs on the body of the pet, these eggs can then fall from the dog or cat on to your carpets. The cat fleas are most likely to be the fleas that your pets b
What Does it Mean When My Cats Scratch My Sofa?
Although thought by some to be a behavioral problem, cats that scratch objects are generally doing it for a specific reason. The purpose can be for physical maintenance or as a form of communication to other cats or even its human masters who reside in the house. Precautions, such as giving the cats
Cat Diarrhea and Cat Cryptosporidium
Cat diarrhea, or gastroenteritis, is an all too common of a problem in cats. A cryptosporidium infection could be the cause. Article also offers advice on how to treat.
How to Board a Cat in Rockwall, Texas
When you and your family go on vacation, you need to make arrangements for the care and feeding of your cat while you are away. To keep your cat safe, board it in a veterinary hospital or specialty pet boarding facility. In Rockwall, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, and the surrounding areas, you can find
Looking for a Cat? Here are 8 Reasons to Adopt an Older Cat
During kitten season, the ongoing cat overpopulation problems become increasingly severe. Hundreds of thousands of kittens end up in shelters, which are already overcrowded. Many of the kittens find homes, at the expense of older cats who have been waiting in vain. Read these reasons why to consider
Leather Cat Collars - Not Completely Necessary, Yet Certainly Quite Classy
You've seen the leather cat collars online or at the pet store, and perhaps you've wondered to yourself, maybe I should get one for my cat? Well, that's not a bad idea at all, they are truly classy, not completely necessary for safety or your cat's overall health, but classy none
Why Do Dogs Pant When It Is Not Hot?
Dogs have very few sweat glands and only excrete a little heat from the pads of their paws. Panting is how dogs release heat from their body. However, there are other reasons a dog could be panting that have nothing to do with the temperature. Always make sure the dog has plenty of water and access
How Do I Stop a Cat From Non-Stop Yowling?
A yowling cat can be a major annoyance and distraction. If your cat won't stop yowling, chances are that you've checked that it has its basic necessities such as water, food and a clean litter box. There are other things that may cause a cat to yowl incessantly, such as mating season or simply wanti
Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Steve Dale's little Devon Rex cat, Ricky, died of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at the tender age of four. While Steve mourned Ricky, he also wanted to honor his life by creating the Ricky Fund at the Winn Feline Foundation. In the years since Ricky's passing, a number of important research
Diabetic Dogs & Glucometers
Owners of diabetic dogs know how important it is to monitor their dog's glucose levels. The most common way to check on sugar levels is to have the dog undergo frequent checkups with the veterinarian. This often involves prolonged hospital stays for blood glucose curves, which might cause significan
Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Little Bum
Cutest Cat Contestant Little Bum. Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.
Raccoon Whisperer... My Cat Spike!
My cat versus a raccoon.Wounded and limping, the cat was the final victor; he stayed...the raccoon didn't!
Are LaPerm Cats Good for People With Slight Allergies?
Breed CharacteristicsLaPerm cats are believed to be more tolerated by allergic owners due to a coat mutation that causes soft, permlike curls, which reduce the need for grooming. LaPerms are part of the Rex breed, which tends to have only a single coat of fine hair and sheds less than...
Ten Tips for Cats Who are Forced to Relocate with Their Owners
For realistic tips for humans who are moving with cats, read Making the Big Move: How to transform relocation into a creative life transition and visit other relocation resources on this site...
Tips for the Cat Breed Lynx
The desert lynx shares a wild cat's exotic appearance.wild cat image by Vasiliy Koval from Fotolia.comHailed as the "new breed of the millennium" by the International Desert Lynx Cat Association, the desert lynx is rapidly gaining in popularity in America and Europe. The breed was...
How to Adjust E-Collars for Cats
An Elizabethan collar, or E-collar, is a hard plastic cone used to keep your cat from licking or chewing wounds or hot spots. While it might be uncomfortable for a cat to wear an E-collar, it is an effective way to avoid reopening wounds or causing infection. After assembling the E-collar, if you fi
Litter Box Ideas For Ailing Or Senior Citizen Cats
Age is the great equalizer for us all and cats are not different. With age the urinary system starts to wear out.
Antihistamines for Cats
Cats can be allergic to substances in their food, their environments, or the air they breathe. A range of treatments will either eliminate or control allergic reactions in 9 of 10 feline allergy sufferers, according to Among the most effective treatments are antihistamines.
Understanding Cat Safety
The 21st Century environment for pets cats is full of dangers that did not exist a couple of generations ago and sadly, many cat owners don't understand these dangers until it is too late. Here are a few pointers that can help us to be more aware of what dangers our cat faces everyday. It'
Feeding a Cat With Vestibular Disease
The vestibular system in cats, as in humans, has to do with the ability to balance and stay in a particular position. When a cat has vestibular disease, sensors that alert the brain about movement do not work correctly, and the cat may not be able to stand, walk or sit very well. She may not be hung