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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal

How to Introduce Another Cat Into Your Household

To a cat devotee, it must seem a great idea to have lots of cats around on whom you can lavish care and attention, lots of friends for you to play with. Be warned however, that a multi-cat home can be a nightmare if you don't get the fundamentals right, such as being prepared for the extra work

How to Eliminate Your Child's Fear of Cats

Children can learn to be afraid of cats and other animals through three types of experiences. But you can alleviate your child's fear. The process is simple and straightforward, addressing your child's thinking, feeling, and behavior.

2008 Black Cats Picture Gallery: Stretch

October is synonymous with Black Cat Month. Since our previous black cat photo galleries are overflowing with photos of stunning, sleek black cats, here is a new 2008 Black Cats Picture Gallery. Of course, aficionados of these Parlor Panthers adore black cats year-round.

Cat Memorials and Picture Gallery: Fate

Creating a memorial to a cat you have loved and lost is a good way not only to honor your beloved kitty, but also to help you through the grieving process. These memorials speak for themselves of the bond between humans and cats that transcends life itself.

Biliary Carcinoma

Biliary or bile duct carcinoma (cholangiocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma) occurs when the lining of the liver bile ducts begins to produce malignant cells. By the time a cat is typically diagnosed with a carcinoma of the bile duct, the rate of widespread metastasis is 67 to 88 percent, acc

Cat Health - How to Tackle Hair Loss in Cats

Cats with allergy related hair loss could be treated not only with inflammation medications, but also with soothing medicated bathes and a change in diet. Lamb and rice dry food can increase the fatty acids your cat ingests causing an increase in skin moisture. An oilier skin can make a cat's s

Pet Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes is an endocrine disorder in which the body has an inability to metabolize sugar appropriately. It's the result of either the cells not handling insulin correctly or the pancreas producing insufficient amounts of insulin. Any age or breed can develop diabetes. However, older obese animals ar

How to Remove Hair Mats on a Cat

Cats normally do a good job of grooming themselves. Even with their fastidious cleaning habits, mats can sometimes form, especially if the cat has long hair or has been abandoned and living on the street. You may be able to cut out or comb out minor mats, but if the cat is severely matted or has mat

Cat Urination Problem - A Guide to Your Cat's Urinary Health

A cat urination problem can be the symptom of a medical issue. In this article, we'll take a look at the different reasons your kitty might be having trouble urinating and what you can do to help relieve suffering, pain and avoid recurring problems in the future.

Tips on Preventing Feline Urinary Tract Infections

Are you plain fed up with taking your cat to the vet for urinary tract infections?Preventing feline urinary tract infections is actually quite simple if you take the necessary precautions at home.Diet and lifestyle often play an important role in the cause and prevention of feline urinary tract infe

Cat Behaviors - How to Deal With Cat Spraying Issues!

Being a responsible cat owner, it is your foremost responsibility that you should take proper care of your pet and know different methods that can help you to understand its behavior. For your information, a cat is an exclusive animal and it has the ability to show its every kind of attitude to his

Prevention Is Better Than Cure for Cat Diabetes

Why has this happened to my cat, why not my neighbour's cat. How devastating it would be for you to have your best friend diagnosed with feline diabetes. Do not despair diabetes in animals like humans is treatable.


Feline glossary definition of icteric and icterus, often signs of liver disease.

10 Things You Need to Know About Cat Reproduction

Cats' reproduction is an amazing, complicated process, and can extend for many years, unless the cat is eventually spayed or neutered. Learn more about mating and conception in cats, for better knowledge of your own cat.

Side Effects and Cautions of Antibiotics for a Cat With Kidney Failure

Chronic renal or kidney failure is the leading cause of death in older cats. According to the Feline Advisory Bureau, approximately one-fifth of cats 15 years or older suffer with some form of kidney disease. Early detection and treatment can slow progression of the disease, which is irreversible. A

Asthma Diet for Felines

Felines are susceptible to asthma from allergy triggers. One of the feline allergy triggers can be their diets. It's important to take your cat to the vet if you notice asthma symptoms. The vet will give allergy tests and recommendations for your feline based on the lab and test results.

Cats, Their Names, Health & More

A cat can touch your heart like no other animal. Unlike dogs, cats tend to be choosy. They love very selectively. Dogs like everyone, you need to earn a cat's trust. When you are loved by a cat you are loved. It doesn't matter the cat breed you may pick.There are so many to choose from, an

Cat Shedding Problems

Shedding is very common among most breeds of cats (exceptions are the hairless breeds, such as the Sphinx and the Peterbald). According to Cat Health, breeds that still shed, but less so than others, are wavy-haired breeds like the Devon Rex. If you own a long-haired cat with a thick undercoat, howe

How to Buy a Catnip Toy

A catnip toy will provide hours of entertainment for you and your cat. Give your pet a toy containing this herb that acts as a stimulant and sit back and watch your pet frolic around the house.

About Low White Blood Cell Counts in Dogs

White blood cells play a prominent role in the dog's immune system and are therefore vital for fighting diseases. Any time a dog exhibits a low white blood cell count, it is imperative for veterinarians to understand what the underlying cause may be.