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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal

Recognizing Feline Urinary Tract Symptoms & Treating Them Effectively

Feline urinary tract symptoms are easily recognizable but they can mimic those of other ailments so it is always prudent to take your cat to the vet at the onset of symptoms for a proper diagnosis.The sooner you can get a handle on exactly what is bothering your cat, the easier it will be to treat a

Shedding Nails in a Cat

Though most owners are aware of their cat’s ability to shed fur, the almost-as-frequent behavior of claw shedding is not as well-known. Claw shedding occurs throughout the year as necessary and is as painless to your fluffy feline as fur shedding. This remarkable feat is directly related to th

Cats Picture of the Week Gallery: Sheba's Kittens

The site for Cats has a CatPicture of the Week feature posted on the main page each week. A weekly email Cat of the Week newsletter, which rotates at random through previous Cat of the Week Pictures, also includes pictures of some cats which did not appear on the main page. They are all ga

Garfield the Cat Quotes

This article takes a close look at Garfield the Cat Quotes. Several quotes are provided for entertainment, but they are also reviewed for meaning and intention.

Abnormal Crystals in Urine

Crystalluria refers to the presence of crystals in your pet's urine. Plainly visible during the microscopic examination of the urine sediment, the specific type of crystal can indicate a dietary imbalance, and a change in diet is necessary to dissolve them and prevent future occurrences. Treatment i

How Do I Stop a Cat From Eating All His Food in One Sitting?

Feeding your cat a set amount of food on a proper schedule will not only provide the right nutrition for your pet but also help control his weight, create a bonding experience and control metabolism and blood sugar. If you are concerned with how much your cat is eating in a sitting, you might want t

Cat Health Issues & Digestive Problems

Cat digestive problems can range from minor health issues to more serious underlying causes. Treatment will depend on the reasons for poor digestive health and may include medication or a change in diet and lifestyle. Recognizing problem symptoms and acting early on can prevent further...

Eight Ways to Help Keep Your Cat Safe on Halloween

Most cat lovers know that black cats should be kept strictly in the house during the times just before and after Halloween. But there are dangers to all cats during this holiday season, both outside and in. Here are eight things every cat owner should be aware of.

How to Take Care of 5 Day Old Kitten

Caring for a newborn kitten is a difficult task that involves time, dedication and lots of energy. Having a kitten is equivalent to having a baby, as a kitten requires frequent feedings at all hours. Although it may be difficult, caring for a kitten can be rewarding, and you will feel accomplished o

Ever Wondered What It's Like to Be Lost in a Mean World?

Feral Cats... kittens who have lost their mittens, and more. A feral cat can look pretty ferocious, but she is really just out of her element. She should be meowing to go outside, or lying peacefully on your lap. Unfortunately, she has been thrust into a situation where she must fend for herself and

Cat Behavior - 4 Main Reasons of Hating Friends and Family Members!

If you already have a cat then you must know that they are quite choosy in terms of accepting family members and friends. In this article, I will discuss some basic points that are responsible for this type of cat's attitude and behavior towards others. Below, some basic points are given that a

About Cat Shampoo

To properly groom and keep your cat clean, it is important to know about cat shampoo and which products to use. There are a lot of cat shampoos out there and depending on what type of cat you have, you have to make the appropriate choice. Here are a few of the best cat shampoos to use.

Cat Furniture - Your Cat Won't Feel at Home Without It

Your family has decided that they need a pet and the one that everyone agreed upon to get is a precious kitty cat. Now, before you bring the little critter home, make sure you have everything in place to make her feel welcome, starting with lovely cat furniture.

Savannah Cat Training

Savannah cats are a popular breed of hybrid cat, created by mating African Serval cats with domestic cats. These types of cat are often called "dog-like" because of their friendly nature and how easy it is to train them. Savannah cats can be trained to use a leash, play fetch, be housebroken and res

Cat Climbing, Scratching Tree Furniture

Cat climbing tree furniture and cat scratching tree furniture are the more specific types of cat furniture that most cat owners go in for these days. They are basically small sleeping trays, platforms or perches placed on top of posts of varying heights, all linked into one piece of furniture, to me

How to Give a Cat Medication

Unfortunately, our beloved pets get sick and sometimes need to take medication as prescribed by the vet. Cats are very willful and independent, so giving a cat medication can be a tricky task. Depending on the type of medication prescribed, you can have an easier or harder time getting your cat to t

What Are the Symptoms of Cat Plant Poisoning?

Certain plants can lead to poisoning in cats with symptoms such as vomiting and irregular image by Appelez-moi Denyse from Fotolia.comCats commonly eat household plants, as they do in the wild for digestive and medical purposes. Many cats have the instinct to pick the proper...