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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
How to Give a Diabetic Cat a Shot
Just like humans, cats can develop diabetes. Older obese cats, usually males, are most at risk for developing feline diabetes. Many diabetic cats may require subcutaneous (under the skin) insulin injections twice daily. Giving a cat an insulin injection can be frightening for both the cat and the ca
Should I Declaw My Cat?
If you are wondering if you should declaw your cat there are many things that you should consider. What was once a procedure that was routinely done, now people are much more aware of physical consequences for the cat.
Feline Mange
Feline mange is caused by Notoedres cati. This mite is in the same family, Sarcoptidae, as the mite that causes scabies in humans and dogs. Feline mange infects domestic cats as well as cheetahs, leopards, bobcats and lynxes. Additionally, dogs, rodents, bats and raccoons can become infected.<
Heart Disease Symptoms in Cats
Routine health exams help detect feline heart 2 image by Dragan Saponjic from Fotolia.comFeline heart disease is often difficult to detect in its early stages, because clinical signs of the condition are often vague and may be confused with other illnesses and diseases. The...
Common Health Problems For Cats
Owning a cat, you must be prepared for any health problems that may arise. Among common cat health problems we have a multitude of minor inconveniences up to dangerous or life-threatening accident and conditions.
2008 Cat Olympics:Leo, Tiger, & Garfield: Synchronized Sleeping Team
Cats all over the world have been perfecting their skills at Cat Olympic events, such as Synchronized Sleeping, Power Yawning, Sumo Wrestling, and Broad Jumps. Unlike human Olympics, which are of a short duration, the 2008 Cat Olympics will continue through the end of the year. New entries are welco
How to Keep Your Tweets Off of LinkedIn
You can add a Twitter account to your LinkedIn account so that your tweets will automatically appear on your LinkedIn profile. Your LinkedIn followers can see your tweets in their update streams or by visiting your LinkedIn profile. If you have already added a Twitter account to your LinkedIn profil
The Signs of Elderly Cat Problems
When looking into all the various problems that may arise when you own a geriatric cat, you should make sure you have all the information necessary to help them get through it as well. This is something that can be easily found out without having to visit your local vet as there are a number of natu
Cat Health Problems May be Connected With Dental Disease
As cats age, they can develop problems with oral health, sometimes connected with inadequate diet or dental care.
Vanadyl Sulfate Dosages for Cats
Vanadyl sulfate is an inorganic compound of vanadium, a metallic element mined in Arizona, Utah, and Colorado. Vanadium is always found combined with other elements, such as minerals, coal, and petroleum. Vanadium has a number of uses, including the formation of dyes; it is also used as a color fixe
Cat Hair Loss Home Remedies
Hair loss in cats can be as distressing and discomforting as in humans and there are just as many causes. It can be poor diet, stress, allergies, fleas, mites, or just unknown, permanent hair loss, known as alopecia. In some cases, the cat will lose patches of hair, while in other cases her hair may
Get Some Cat Training Books Fast
Some cat owners tend to think cats cannot be trained so they don't even try to train kitty. And some think that they already know how to properly train them. But the thoughts they have in their mind and getting to the action of actually training the cat can show them how wrong they are. If you
How to Stop Your Cat From Urinating on Furniture
Knowing how to stop your cat from spraying your furniture can mean the difference between saving your favorite couch or tossing it. Cat spray is actually cat urine, which has a strong ammonia like smell. Unfortunately, some cats get in the bad habit of spraying the urine on furniture. This habit can
2008 Tuxedo Cats Picture Gallery: Taz
Black and white cats are like snowflakes: you'll never see any two with identical markings, but Tuxedos usually have some form of a white "V" on the chest-- very formal and striking. Our May Cats Picture Calendar is dedicated to Tuxedo cats and other black-and-white cats. Enjoy these
How to Care for Cats After Removal of an Eye
Cats are both inquisitive and territorial; unfortunately these two traits can combine at inopportune moments, resulting in injuries. When a cat's vision is injured beyond repair or the eye becomes infected, a vet may elect to perform enucleation, where the eyeball is removed and the lid permanently
Feline Stomatitis - Treating It Naturally
Feline stomatitis is a condition which is becoming much more common in cats at much earlier ages. Cats as young as a year old are getting to this problematic condition. Why is it so common now and what can you do to prevent it or cure it?
Herbal Treatment For Cat Health Complaints - How Do I Get the Best Results?
Many enlightened cat owners look to herbal treatment for cat health complaints. They are also using herbal treatments to keep their cat fit and healthy so that it can avoid getting these health complaints in the first place. This article examines how you can get the most out of herbal treatment for
Newborn Kittens - What You Should Really Know So That They Are Taken Care Of Properly
When the kittens are between seven and ten days old, their eyes should open. If they do not, gently blot them with cotton balls dipped in warm water until they do. Very often, the opening of the eyes will be accompanied be creamy looking matter, which should be gently cleaned away.
Does Your Cat Deserve The Very Best Cat Tree?
Is your cat special? Is your kitty one of a kind? Does your fur baby deserve the very best cat tree available? Is your cat purrrrfect?