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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Carson Reno's newest mystery 'Horse Tales' is released

One of Humboldt's well-known horse breeders is brutally murdered, then left to burn in his barn along with his prized stallions. A Jack Logan client has been accused of the murder and Carson has been ...

Twelve Months To Live

I'm sad to hear I'll miss the joys of another spring. I would like to watch once more the raindrops falling Quenching the annual thirst of white sand and brown clay And snuggle close to dear loved ones by my fireside Rugged safe from cold impersonal wintering of the day And there, fortify

Review - The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood

The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood is a beautiful book about a painful subject, the loss of a child. Mary Baxter and her husband, Dylan, are shell shocked after their only daughter, 5 year old Stella, dies suddenly and unexpectedly from bacterial meningitis.In the months of mourning and grief that foll

Poem - Love is There

When you are feeling all alone. And all your hope is gone. You feel you cannot move on. Focus on your Heart, for Love is there.

What Is Your Real Asset

This is a posting about having a mindset that helps in wealth building. It is important to understand the difference between being rich financially and building wealth.

The New American Prosperity by Darby Checketts

Whether your American dream is described with the words: Freedom, happiness, money, possessions, or public recognition Darby Checketts invites the reader to exchange false ambition, to re-define success, and to restore a confidence and determination to move forward. "The New American Prosperity

Book Review: Joseph and Mary: a Love Story

To review a fictional work based upon the life of Christ is always a tricky prospect, particularly when one must consider the audience to whom one is recommending the book. The premise of Joseph and Mary, a fictional account of the marriage of the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph, is intriguing, then a

Critique of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History Of Time

Pushing Quantum Mechanics and Relativity to probability limits, Hawking envisions a progression 'From The Big Bang To Black Holes.' He explores matter origins, energy excitation, particle dualism, metaphysics, and universe destiny. Finally, he predicts, with physics and metaphysics conjunc

The Road of Silk - Book Review

The Road of Silk is an adventure fantasy, with mystical and magical elements and a high energy feel to it that any reader will enjoy. Although this novel is written for an adult audience, I believe anyone over the age of 10 could easily become immersed in its pages...

Understanding the Best Rabbit Food

If you have recently taken possession of a cute little bunny then you will need to make sure you get hold of a supply of the right rabbit food. There are actually a range of options available from pet stores, this does not make the task any easier. The following information should give you a better

The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins

In his book, The First 90 Days, Michael Watkins discusses how individuals unconsciously carry with them their successful leadership styles from their previous appointment to their new appointment, believing that what worked for them in the previous team would continue to work for them in the new tea

Marriage: Real Life Can Never Compete With Fantasy

Marriage is something that most girls dream about from childhood. Everyone loves the story of Cinderella to the point where we have coined the terms "A Cinderella Wedding" or "A Fairy Tale Wedding" Likewise, young men dream of having the ideal wife with an ideal body all the days

When Vampires Attack

Red Serpent: The Falsifier is the first in a very unique and action packed story that takes place in the future. It tells the story of Alex, who we find out, is a hybrid of a vampire and human. He remains unaware of his true lineage until he graduates from college and his uncle John tells him the tr

Twin Flames - A Collection Of Love

Spiritual Poetry a collection of love, three poems all about love. You're beautiful, turn on the light, Soul Mates, Twin Flames.

Nefertiti By Michelle Moran

Nefertiti reigned in Ancient Egypt between 1351 and 1331 B.C. She was the chief wife of the "heretic" Pharaoh Akhenaten.