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Real estate & property Law : Law & Legal & Attorney
Colorado Rental Lease Laws
Colorado's landlord and tenant laws are contained in the state's revised statutes.colorado river image by Don Lewis from Fotolia.comWhen you rent a property in Colorado, the agreement is subject to many state laws. The specific area of code referenced for landlord-tenant laws are in the...
Statute of Limitations on a Lien
The law of many states allow workmen to file claims of lien against real property to help them get paid for work done pursuant to a contract, whether oral or written, with the property owner.
The History of Yeoman Farmers
From the 1066 Norman Conquest until the Black Death in the 1340s, English agricultural workers' status was fixed into three classes. A few free Norman tenants paid rent and military service for their farms. "Bondsmen" were serfs (slaves) to the "Lord" (landlord) of their manors. About half the popul
Tenant Rights in Rockcastle County, Kentucky
Mount Vernon is home to the majority of residential rental property in Rockcastle County, Kentucky. As of July 2009, the county was home to more than 16,000 residents, 20 percent of whom were renters. The average household pays $340 rent per month in Mount Vernon. The average rent per month througho
How to Safely Rent My Home While I Travel
If your job or family commitments often take you out of town for extended periods of time, the last thing you want to worry about is making your empty house an easy target for burglars. Neighbors can only do so much in terms of keeping an eye on things for you, especially if you also have a yard to
Can The Developer Sue Me To Close? Some Specific Thoughts About Specific Performance
Under Florida law, an attempt by a developer to sue a purchaser in an effort to obtain remedies beyond the contract's liquidated damages provision may be on shaky ground, especially if the developer is seeking specific performance.This does not mean, however, that a developer may not use the th
Renters' Eviction Rights in Louisiana
Under Louisiana law, if a landlord wishes to evict a tenant, he must go through the court system to do so. The landlord is prohibited from turning off any utilities, such as electric, water or gas, that would make the unit uninhabitable. However, if the landlord can prove to the court the tenant is
Property Tax Appeal Math and Supporting Documentation
Thinking about filing for a NJ property tax appeal? We'll cover everything you need... from general qualification questions to the supporting documentation necessary.
Can a Landlord Charge You Rent After You Vacate From an Eviction?
When a person is evicted from a dwelling, his legal troubles may not have ended. In some jurisdictions once a tenant has been evicted and has vacated the premises, matters between him and the landlord are finished, while in other jurisdictions, the landlord may be allowed to collect additional rent.
Types of Mortgage Schemes
Mortgage schemes take several image by kruszek from Fotolia.comStarting in 2006 and worsening in 2008 with the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the economy of the United States has suffered greatly from mortgage fraud schemes. With the failure of large financial institutions and the...
Tennesse Tenant Landlord Act
Enacted in 1975, the Tenant Landlord Act determines the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants of residential units. This act is valid only in counties with more than 68,000 people, based on the most recent census figures.
Mississippi Foreclosure Law
Mississippi foreclosure law establishes the procedures available to a lender facing a borrower who defaults on a mortgage loan. In the state of Mississippi, the same procedures are used both for residential as well as commercial real estate.
How to Evict a Tenant in Hawaii
Perhaps one of the biggest struggles rental owners face is the eviction of problem tenants. In Hawaii, there are strict guidelines that deal with the eviction process. If you have to take your case to court, you must be able to show you made every possible attempt to evict the tenant legally, follow
Landlord Tenant Lease Laws
Millions of American's rent their home. In most cases this is a simple and beneficial relationship and one way for anybody to assure that this relationship remains smooth is to understand what a tenants right's are regarding their lease.
Law on Stopping Foreclosure
The law on stopping foreclosure depends on the state where the property is located. In some states, a mortgage is used to purchase property and, in other states, deeds of trust are utilized to buy real property. In jurisdictions that depend on mortgages, the foreclosure process must be approved thro
A Landlord-Tenant Maintenance Checklist
There are several kinds of landlord-tenant maintenance checklists and each is beneficial. Because the landlord-tenant relationship can involve conflict, the more carefully the rental agreement is documented, the less likely it is that the parties will actually have to deal with such conflict.
Laws on Security Deposits
Security depositsnewbury apartment building image by Stephen Orsillo from Fotolia.comA security deposit is a deposit that a tenant gives a landlord, usually at the time of moving in to a property. This deposit may cover other things, such as the last month's rent, a pet deposit or a key...
Short Assured Tenancy Agreements
Short assured tenancy agreements are very common in England and Scotland, and are similar to short, fixed-term rental agreements in the United States. These agreements are usually in effect for six months to a year.
Landlord Tenancy Agreement
An agreement between a landlord and a tenant is generally referred to as a lease. The lease sets forth legal terms of their relationship. Those with specific landlord-tenant questions should contact an attorney.
Important Factors To Consider Before Hiring a Real Estate Attorney
Real Estate Attorneys work for those that are selling and buying homes. They do all the legal paper work because they understand all the legal formalities that need to be met before a house is sold or bought. There are many factors that one should consider before hiring a real estate attorney. In or