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Social Media : Business & Finance

Your Small Business Needs an Internet Presence

It is not too often today that a small business doesn't have a website but I still find when searching for local services, businesses think they don't need one for numerous reasons. A common reason is they have gone so long without a website without that much of a negative impact on sales.

Capturing the Potential of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an excellent tool for business networking. It is no wonder that there are now over 60 million users worldwide on the popular networking site. Here are a tips that every professional should follow when optimizing their profile.

Success in Social Media Marketing - The 7 Ways to It

These days, there is an aspect in online marketing that you should pay attention to and that is your optimisation of social media tools. This is especially if you wish to enjoy success for your marketing efforts, whether it is search engine optimisation, article marketing or blogging. You have to be

Your Twitter Avatar - Does it Make a Difference As to What it Is?

Social media, and especially twitter, is all about building relationships. Your avatar is the very first step in building that relationship because it is the first thing someone sees as you tweet. That is why it is so important to have an avatar which correctly projects who you are.

People Power - Using Social Networks for Social Change

Can social networks be used for good? It could be possible to create social change in our local communities through using our social networks and social media accounts in a slightly different way.

Web 2.0 and the New Opportunities Open For Businesses in Social Media

Web 2.0 is growing rapidly. Everyday there are new applications and tools being introduced. For those of us that create our income and live in this Web 2.0 world, this is very exciting. The question is how can we create even more new opportunities for ourselves in the world of New Media and Social N

Using Apps On Facebook And Handling Negative Feedback

One of the things you are going to find when you are trying Facebook marketing out is that apps can help to take your promotional campaigns to the next level. While you do need to remain focused on the content that you are offering, apps can also prove to be the best way to expand reach and to get p

Home Based Business Advice - Learn Web 2.0 Tactics

Are you utilizing Web 2.0 techniques to seek out home based business advice? Article marketing can be very effective tool in your online endeavor. While there is the obvious of including links on the document itself and send that out to customers, prospects, business contacts and so on. There is als

Everything You Need To Know About Social Media Marketing

All businesses greatly benefit when they resort to the internet to find their clientele. Because of the surge of online users, companies have also considered bringing their business to where most people hang out these days - online. Through the help of social media marketing, a new marketing strateg

Don't Feed the Trolls

Anything you post online publicly is bound to attract trolls. The trick to dealing with them isn't just to meet them head-on, there's a little bit of finesse involved. Play your cards right, and you can even turn this otherwise deplorable situation into a huge gain.

Google+ Pages vs Facebook Brand Pages

With more than 800 million users Facebook has a head start on Google+, which currently runs with 21 million profiles. Google+ enters the game offering businesses many similar features as Facebook...

Social Networking - 3 Thoughtful Steps to Social Networking

Whether you consider yourself as a social butterfly or a perennial wallflower, you need to use social networking as a way to bring in more customers (and therefore, more profits) to your business. The reason for this is because social networking not only allows you to establish relationships with ot

The Increasing Popularity of Chat Rooms for Women

Today's social networking is playing a major role in our lifestyle. People from different parts of the world get into different chatting rooms online and share their interest and ideas with their friends and community members.

Free Website Traffic Secrets

One of the free website traffic crazes at the moment is topiggyback on a high traffic website like Squidoo. Theadvantage of this tactic is that normally it would takemonths and sometimes years to do successful search engineoptimization by finding high quality links to your websiteto gain good rankin

Marketing Your Business on MySpace

If you spend any time online at all, by now you've heard about MySpace.This powerful social networking tool has topped the charts in terms of popularity, regularly being the sixth most popular website in the English-speaking world, but did you know it could also be used for marketing?Though MyS