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Social Media : Business & Finance
The Many Ways to Use Twitter
Tell your story in 130 words or less, that is the challenge. Twitter, one of the most popular social media forums is growing in uses and importance. How can YOU use it?
How To Make Business Pages On Facebook
Facebook is not just a social network website, since it offers much more than keeping in touch with long-lost friends, etc. If you are smart you can really take advantage of the Facebook website to promote and advertise your specific product or service which you offer to your potential customers.
Using Social Network Ranking
Social network ranking refers to using social networks to help your web pages rank. Social networks like Facebook are more instrumental in determining how your web page ranks than ever because search engines are placing more of the burden on ranking pages on the actually users of the search engines.
Promote Yourself Easily: Social Network Marketing
When you are a business owner, you need to come up with all kinds of creative promotion methods, not only for your business, but for yourself as well. These days, people need to know that they are going to be spending their money on products they can trust, from businesses they trust. If they do not
How Do You Look to Your Prospects?
I received an inquiry about availability to speak to an association of Purchasing professionals.Topic:"How to use web tools and social networking to research, select and manage vendors."I had not considered how the tools that I write about, teach and speak about could be used by those on t
Welcoming a New Kid on the Social Network Block - A Look At Rstatus
Like language itself, social networks are constantly evolving through use. As with 'in' words and phrases, a platform's popularity is driven by the people who use it. With the announcement that microblogging site has recently been set up as an alternative to Twitter, there&
Give Your Prospecting Legs With Social Media
Social media is all the buzz in prospecting lately. You hear about it everywhere with Facebook Fan pages, tweeting, and LinkedIn profiles. You may even have an account on several different social networks. But have you given thought to how to use it to increase your prospecting results, or do you ju
Branding With StumbleUpon
Are you working at branding yourself or your business? If so, consider adding StumbleUpon to your arsenal of strategies.
Use Social Media Marketing to Increase Website Traffic
These days, everyone is looking for ways to drive traffic to their website. A truly creative and powerful approach to getting website traffic is to tap into the Web 2.0 social media marketing scene. Social media websites like Digg, MySpace, Reddit, and Flickr offer almost instant access to large poo
PhpFoX Vs Dzoic Handshakes - Which is Better?
While they've only been out for a few years - both Dzoic Handshakes and phpFox have been ruling the crazy and ever-changing world of Social Networking Scripts. Both of these scripts have been "rebuilt" from the ground up over the past year and a half, and both of these scripts can be
Do's and Don'ts When Using Twitter for Business
Twitter is very large and growing every day. At last report there were over 1.6B search queries a day and over 460K new accounts added each day. In addition, Twitter users are younger, better educated and have higher incomes than the general population. What does this mean - Twitter for business is
Social Media Management Matures
The number of new customers attained from social media efforts for companies in the United States grew over 500% in 2009 and it is expected to grow higher than that in 2010. This segment of new customers from new media outlets, including blogs and forums, now far outnumber those coming in from print
Your Facebook Fan Page - The Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid
Facebook has created a lot of advantages and compensation on selling products online. There are some advices on how to avoid mistakes when creating your Facebook fan page to minimize frustration and annoyance.
Facebook Viral Marketing Application Review
Way back 2006; viral marketing was already at the tip of people's tongue. The idea was to market products in a more natural manner. However, during that time, no one was able to execute and to apply to social media.
Social Bookmarking Can Help You To Get Indexed Quickly
Are you familiar with social bookmarking and the way in which it can be used to help you index your website? If not then take a moment to familiarize yourself with it. Learn a little about indexing in the past, and discover how social bookmarking now makes it easier for us to get our sites recognize
Are You Making Any of These 3 Big Mistakes on LinkedIn?
We all know that with more than 310 million members in more than 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network. It has executives from all of the Fortune 500 and most businesses are at least represented, but most have their entire executive teams connected.
New Google+ Communities Are Here
One of the most valuable features for marketers on Facebook and LinkedIn has been "Groups." They are forums where people with like-interests can discuss certain topics. For marketers, this is an excellent way to reach out to other users and build a brand's authority.
How to Tag a Photo on Facebook
One of the best ways to get in front of other people on Facebook, is to share a photo of you with someone else. There are a number of ways to share a photo on Facebook. Apart from uploading a photo to your album and publishing it on your profile page, you can add or "tag" other people in a
Social Media - 3 Killer Ways to Generate Business Referrals From Twitter
Learn how to get business referrals and opportunities from your Twitter social media network. 3 killer steps to generate business and make your Twittering more profitable.
Social Media For B2B Companies - The Need To Have More Than A Website
While B2C companies use social networking for a variety of purposes, B2B marketers often wonder if simply having a basic company website is good enough; isn't social media more suited for B2C interactions? Data from Forrester research indicates otherwise. According to a recent eMarketer study,