Car Insurance: The Lowest Insurance Quote Online

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It's winter again

No matter how often you think about the time of the year, it always seems a surprise when the first frost turns into ice on the roads and snow falls. Winter just seems to sneak ...

Dump Truck Insurance Deals Delivers Protection

Driving long distances with a huge truck, a long trailer, and tons of cargo definitely demands protection. If yesterday's horse-drawn carriages and wagons had to deal with bandits, beasts and bad weather, today's cargo trucks and trailers need to tackle with vehicular accidents, hijacking,

Did You Know These Auto Insurance Facts?

Getting the wrong coverage can be almost as bad as having no auto insurance at all.What if you were in an accident and found out that your coverage was adequate for everything except the very circumstance you found yourself embroiled in?To prevent that unhappy situation, it pays to educate yourself

Car Insurance For New Drivers

A leading insurance company may have come up with a scheme that rewards rather than punishes newly qualified teenage drivers.Insurance giant Swinton have begun offering special six-month polices aimed at those who have just passed their test. The selling point comes in the form of a 30% discount sho

Auto Insurance Pros and Cons

Before one makes a decision of buying an auto insurance policy, one needs to be informed of certain matters, which would affect your choice of the policy. Knowing about your own driving record in the past decade, the fines incurred or accidents you were involved in would have a bearing on your choic

How to Get the Best Car Insurance Rates?

Before the Internet era, the only method people could get car insurance was through car insurance agencies. People paid what their insurance company charged them. They had no choice, as insurance was required by law. But now it's easier than ever to compare car insurance using an online car ins